World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Meow at Destiny
621 InstallsMeows when you make it Angry by not getting to where you should be to have the debuff dispelled. Activates while you have the debuff, fades when you are dispelled. Toned it down with update....
Auto Queue Signup - Accept Dungeon/Arena Signups
2.6k InstallsThis will auto Sign up when someone in your party signs up for a group, skips the "accept" and "roles" section, will work for any type of signups, all PVP, PVE, Dungeons, LFG, LFR. I...
Gateway reminder Painsmith and Soulrender mythic
741 InstallsShows big icon and text if mythic soulrender/painsmith is targeted and gateway is not focused.
Mythic Fatescribe Despire
630 InstallsShow "Line Of Sight" for Melee, range check for Ranged on Despire cast during intermission. Largely taken from
513 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. Возможны обновления на героик/мифик неделе. Есть полезные WA для этого босса от Causese: 1) - распределяет игроков с шипами по меткам. 2) - показывает ХП...
534 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.1 - доработана сборка, обновлены и починены WA. Советую к отдельной установке: "Runic Affinity ExRT List" от Causese список для РЛа тех кто крутит кольца и...
СВЯТИЛИЩЕ ГОСПОДСТВА 07 - Стражница Предвечных
452 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. Возможны обновления на героик/мифик неделе. Включены WA: 1) "Энергетические ядра (энергия)" - для мифика, показывает уровень энергии пилонов.
Shards of Domination
940 InstallsShows what Shards you have equipped, which slot they are in and what level they are. Indicates when you have the set bonus active. Attaches to your character pane.
10 Banshee's Fury Timer
767 InstallsShows a progress bar timer that is based on the DBM/BigWigs timer for Banshee's Fruy when < 10 seconds are left. Useful for tanks clearing platforms. Notifies the player if they have stacks by glowing...
СВЯТИЛИЩЕ ГОСПОДСТВА 05 - Раздиратель Дормацайн
471 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.6 - доработаны и обновлены WA.
符文亲和分配 Runic Affinity List
551 Installs根据 团队顺序正序分配符文道并给与团队标记 需要注意的是 坦克和治疗会被默认分配为候选替补 不需要设置Exrt 战术板 如果你需要个人提示WA 请安装
09 坦克灵魂打断 依赖MRT设置
577 Installs并非使用startLine和endLine作为开始和结束的标志 而是使用interStart和interEnd作为开始和结束的标志 预设了坦克灵魂的法术和NPCID
Painsmith Forge Weapon (Mythic)
570 InstallsIndividual Weakaura for Painsmith intermission made by Reloe
Domination Shard Manager
537 InstallsChange your Domination Sockets easily between raid and other stuff like M+ IMPORTANT: To use this you need to have a macro with this text: /click DomShardManagerButton After you have entered which gems you want,...
[Kaihn] SOD 02 - The Eye - Ire & Scorn Chat announcer
452 InstallsYells in chat which debuff you have in intermission - don't touch the opposites!
<MoFo> Ner'zhul castbars
528 Installsle p'ti pack de castbars pour Mythic Nerzhul Shatter castbar (boss) Mass dispel castar (friendly) Chest bump P3 (orb)
481 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.3 - доработана сборка, обновлены и починены WA. Включены WA: 1) "Fragments of Destiny (unitFrame Glow lowest stacks)" от Causese "Фрагмент судьбы (рейд-фреймы)" - отмечает игроков...
Barbed Arrow Chat Announce
662 InstallsShow Barbed Arrow icon and stack count during Domination Chains /say "I'M SOAKING" and Barbed Arrow stack count during Domination Chains if stacks are higher than configured stack threshold (default 2)
Interruptorder Anchoring (Reworked) - Soul Reaver - Banshee's Cry - KT Fix
539 InstallsCast number increases only on succesful interrupt and does not increase if the channel starts. Implemented the number increment fix as suggested by Causese from comments of - commented out the lines 110-147 in...
Spell Reflect Info and Annoucement
823 InstallsA modification of that also allows the announcement of non-damaging reflects deflect This is added as an extra option in "Custom Options" that allows you to announce deflects as well as damaging reflects.