World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
10 Banshee Shroud: Immune
547 InstallsSylvanas takes no damage, just focus on mechanics :)
Dark Sentinel fixate arrow
669 InstallsShows an arrow above the nameplates of Dark Sentinels that are fixated on you.
The box where I would keep my marbles, If I had any.
472 InstallsPuts a box around your character the exact same size as squares on the floor of painsmith raznal's room (if your camera is zoomed all the way out). I found it more useful than the...
Tarragrue anima buffs
401 InstallsHuddled Carvings and Twisted Samophlange
Sanctum of Domination - Sylvanas Windrunner (MM)
445 InstallsCollection of my own Weakauras which MM used for Sylvanas Windrunner (Mythic). Also includes auras from varies other authors which have been publicly shared & modified by me to my liking. Kill video with the...
СВЯТИЛИЩЕ ГОСПОДСТВА 10 - Сильвана Ветрокрылая
520 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.3 - доработаны и обновлены WA.
469 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.3 - доработана сборка WA. Включены WA: 1) "Зловредность (рэйдфреймы)" - отмечает игроков на рейд-фреймах с "Зловредность", который нужно диспелить в определенное время.
P3 WailingArrow/Step Aside/Jump/Return
424 InstallsTry it. Best WA for P3 wailing arrow. Help you perfectly Step Aside/Jump/Return. Players are able to get rid of (1) Heavily damaged by previous arrow, ie. jump too quick (2) Heavily damage other teammates,...
Fatescribe Despair Cast Range Check
468 InstallsShows a castbar with a range check if one of the adds casts despair. -The Bar is red when you should move away -The Bar is green when youre fine
Fragments of Destiny Group
403 InstallsShows Text to indicate when you have more than 1 stack, or have been dispelled for Fragments of Destiny on The Nine in Sanctum of Domination.
Meow at Gates
471 InstallsMeows during Painalsmith Raznal intermission when you need to click the warlock gate. Also shows a 5 second countdown until time to click gate. Works with DBM and BigWigs timers. 2nd picture is the 'Actions'...
Ire + Scorn
397 InstallsJust specifically Ire + scorn timers I stole from a pack. Please don't sue me.
СВЯТИЛИЩЕ ГОСПОДСТВА 06 - Кузнец боли Разнал
461 InstallsСборка WA на русском. Включены WA для танков. v1.0.4 - Обновлены WA.
344 Installs連續跳舞階段,指派密碼手輸入前兩次的安全點之後,會自動顯示剩餘的安全位置。 (從左到右走道 > 1234) 密碼手需在自訂選項中勾選 > 我是密碼手 才會於連續跳舞戰鬥中出現密碼按紐 (可以同時多人擔任) 財富密碼表 一、 12413 13142 14243 二、 23413 24341 三、 31424 34341 四、 41424 42414 43214
T28: 10 Banshee Bane
550 InstallsAnnouncement before Banshee's Fury cast when there are Banshee Bane stacks in the raid. WIP
Sanctum de Domination - Raid de Shadowlands [FR]
387 InstallsPack de 172 auras sur les 10 nouveaux boss du sanctum de la Domination sur le raid principal de la mise à jour 9.1 de Shadowlands qui fonctionne sur tous les clients du jeu avec...
Painsmith Mythic Gateway Timer
443 InstallsIt shows a timer in the intermission of when you should use the gateway to stack. Compared to other WAs that do the same I've implemented the following: -A counting down sound from 3 to...
Отображение RIO в поиске групп
484 InstallsБолее продвинутая и усовершенствованная WA. Показывает количество RIO у людей в поиске групп. В настройках можно сделать так, чтобы RIO отображалось кратко, например: 2500 -> 2.5k. В поиске показывает разноцветные полоски, какие классы находятся в...
456 InstallsSnowElysium 9.2.7命定攻略筆記(Google Sheets) -更新動態悲鳴箭、黑蝕箭 -更新轉階段血量86%提醒 配合M難度新增各式監控 自動分配左右鎖鍊。(世界光標需配合上圖標記) 參考 Echo Aster ------------------------------------ ExRT/MRT 動態筆記 |cff00fe97希瓦娜斯 風行者 Mythic Timer|r---- {p1}{time:3:22,glow}P1-仇恨循環 {time:0:10,glowall,p1}|cff8687ed暗影匕首|r {spell:331844}{spell:31821} {time:0:29,glow,p1}|cffc59a6c統御鎖鏈-1|r {time:0:33,glow,p1}|cfffe7b09黑蝕箭-1*2|r {time:0:50,glowall,p1}|cffa22fc8黑暗-1|r {spell:111771}{spell:106898}1 {time:1:06,glowall,p1}|cff8687ed暗影匕首|r {spell:740}{spell:51052} {time:1:24,glow,p1}|cffc59a6c統御鎖鏈-2|r {time:1:36,glowall,p1}|cffa22fc8黑暗-2|r {spell:106898}2 {time:1:36,glowall,p1}|cfffe7b09黑蝕箭-2*3|r {spell:108280}1 {spell:98008}2...
Meow at KT Devoted
336 InstallsMeows -at- you when you are Fixated by a Devoted during Kel'Thuzad. Shows the name (yours if its you) of player fixated on the nameplate of all the Devoted mobs. Namplate will also Glow red...