World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Method Sanctum of Domination Aura Pack
1.1k InstallsThese are the auras used by the Method raid team during Sanctum of Domination progress. They are a fork of Reloe's fantastic auras and are to be used in tandem with the icon aura pack.
Clickable Consumable SL Tracker
926 Installs** Clickable aura tracker for food, oils, flasks and armor kit. The aura display how many of each consumable you have in bags when you are in a instance and dont have that buff. You...
Relentless Haunt (fixate) arrow
395 InstallsShows an arrow above the nameplates of Frostbound Devoted that are fixated on you.
Ner'zhul Malevolence
425 InstallsShows bars name of affected players with timers
Chaos Bane
350 InstallsDisplays the current stacks, stat bonus and remaining duration of the Chaos Bane Shard of Domination Bonus
Soulrender Dormazain - Rendered Soul Pools
365 InstallsCountdown warning for swirlies with sound
365 InstallsAlerts players when it's safe to kill the upstairs adds in Mythic KT.
312 Installs-新增內場躲正面提示 -新增M冰刺爆炸倒數 -新增小怪復活倒數 -新增M停手提示 -新增寒冰毀滅監控
Chaos Bane Stacks/Stat Tracker
1.5k InstallsSimple tracker of Chaos Bane stacks plus the amount of primary stat it gives.
IsadorTV - The Nine - Aradne's Falling Strike (Call of the Valkyr) - Soaking rotation
314 InstallsThis WeakAuras is used to setup rotation for The Nine - Aradne's Falling Strike soak How it works: Simply need to create a ExRT note with lines starting with: Soak1 Soak2 Soak3 Soak4 BSoak1 BSoak2...
Glacial Spike assignments
264 InstallsAutomatically assign positions to drop Glacial Spikes. Custom options allow you to define positions based on the number of spikes that are out. In the image below, when there are four or more Glacial Spikes,...
Painsmith: Too Close to Balls
318 InstallsA simple WA to alert you when you are too close to the Spiked Ball on Painsmith. This is mainly meant for melee players on Mythic who might have a hard time toeing the line...
Crushing Dread glow (P2 dispel)
348 InstallsDebuffs glows on frames at 4+ stacks
SoD - Soulrender - Dance Steps
241 InstallsJust a list of the dance steps, triggers during cast
Runic Affinity ExRT Personal
277 InstallsThis is the personal notification that works with this group WA: https://wago.io/rqVX9zYH_ It is a refinement of the excellent WA from Causese: https://wago.io/B-O91VtCg The only change for this is that if you are assigned to...
The Nine - Val'kyr ability countdown
280 InstallsCounts down every Val'kyr ability (on Mythic). Bars stay on your screen until Word of Recall happens.
254 Installs-新增粉碎及停手警告 -新增最後階段護甲的惡意倒數提醒 -修正頭盔惡意 18 > 21秒
Spikes soon
320 InstallsWarns about approximately approach of spikes in phases 2 and 3
Painsmith - Movement CDs Active
316 InstallsShows buff durations for Stampeding Roar and Windrush during the Painsmith encounter.
Sanctum of Domination - Fragments of Destiny Dispel Order
218 InstallsAllows you to visualize and quickly call out an ideal dispel order for raid members afflicted with Fragments of Destiny. Prioritizes raiders with Brynja's (small bomb) to keep them alive, then lowest stacks, and then...