World of Warcraft
13,229 Mods
210 Installs本字符串可以在冰龙和诺斯战斗中,高亮中诅咒玩家的团队框架 基于本字符串,可以自己更新调整需要监控的DEBUFF、BUFF等,比如中冰墓高亮框架等
Hos Me
0 InstallsAutomatically asks your Paladins for Hand of Salvation. heavily based on
Markman Hunter Minimalist UI
0 InstallsMarkman Hunter Minimalist UI Very barebones
Important Decurses.
30 InstallsAdds a pixel glow to raid members with important debuffs to decurse in Naxx. Glow can be configured in the Actions tab. Should work with all unit frames, I use Vuhdo.
PilsungUI | GCD | Global Cool Down | Progress Bar
21 InstallsGlobal Cool Down Progress Bar helps you time your ability instead of spam them.
Noth Glow
6 Installsorange frame glow for curse despells
<Devilhawk> Undead Target Scourgebane
8 InstallsAllow to track if your weapon does not have the Scourgebane enchant (+140AP against Undeads) or if it has the enchant but the target is not an undead.
Heroic Strike Cancel w/Color for HS/CL Queue SoM Advanced
1 InstallsYour swing timer will change color depending if you have Heroic Strike yellow or Cleave green queued. Allowing you to easily time it with your Offhand which makes it so your offhand always hits and...
Insightful Earthsiege Diamond-(Proc)
16 InstallsVisual and Audio animation for Insightful Earthsiege Diamond procs
Converge Naxx Tacs
4 InstallsConverge Naxxramas tactic helper.