World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
T28: 05 Soulrender Dormazain N/H/Mythic Pack
6.3k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Includes Causese assigner: (Don't need to download again) Make sure to setup a MRT note for list Raid Frame Highlights Green - Heal Target Yellow - Heal Target Red - Heal...
T28: 06 Painsmith Raznal N/H/Mythic Pack
7k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Lines only show if you're targeted by Chains and increase in visibility when spikes are about to go off on mythic difficulty only. (Moving group position will move these lines, default group...
Kel'Thuzad Halcyon Intermission Overview
5.9k Installstime remaining bar for intermission, remnant health normalized to phase (so 100-0% on the bar is 100-60% in first phase) health bar for each add upstairs should make it easier to time killing the adds
T28: 03 The Nine N/H/Mythic Pack
4.9k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Raid Frame Highlights Blue - Magic Dispel Green - Linked Red - Big AoE Soak Target Yellow - Standing in Shard of Destiny Yellow - Brynja's Mournful Dirge Targets
T28: 09 Kel'Thuzad N/H/Mythic Pack
5.2k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Raid Frame Highlights Yellow - Heal Target Blue - Dispel SkyBlue - Frost Blast Target Pink - Rooted
T28: 04 Remnant of Ner'zhul N/H/Mythic Pack
5.8k InstallsReady for N/H/Mythic! Mythic Phase Timers track the perfect time to phase, not meeting timers will spawn extra orbs. Health Checks pre DR HP, if red you'll die without personal/HP/HS, if green you'll live without...
Sylvanas intermission add marker / kill order
9.6k InstallsIt will Display a numeric killorder above the Nameplates. Standard Killorder is Summoner > Souljudge > Goliath. Under Custom Options you can activate an automark option which marks the highest priority target with a skull...
Raznal Intermission Helper (Mythic)
5.9k Installs moo
Sylvanas Mythic Halcyon Barbed Arrow LEFT/RIGHT
8.9k Installsassigns 8 highest debuff stacks to left/right chains in phase 1 of mythic sylvanas
Fragments of Destiny (unitFrame Glow lowest stacks)
2.8k InstallsThis is for the single-dispel strat instead of mass dispel The WeakAura glows the unit frame that has the lowest fragments stacks. Upon dispelling, a stack is transfered to a nearby player and the goal...
Mythic painsmith gateway timer
7.8k InstallsIncludes: Gateway reminder for focusing the gateway; will show whenever your targeting the boss Timer for 1st and 2nd intermission for when to take the gateway Don't forget to stack for adds spawning after ;)...
Wailing Arrow Target List
6.7k InstallsDisplays a list of the people targeted with Wailing Arrow. Names display to the left of each icon.
Fragments of Destiny Group stacks
3.3k InstallsJust shows your group's stacks. Requested by Anonymous via
Soulrender Dance Helper
2.8k Installsbased on the information from u/HaleyAygee. - shows the possible combinations for the Dance on Sourlrender Dormzain Mythic - allows you to click on the numbers to filter down the next steps - click the...
Despair Range Check
5.7k InstallsWhen despair is cast, it shows a progress bar for the cast, let's you know whether you're safe or not, and displays your distance from the add.
Wailing Arrow Warning
6.4k InstallsDisplays an icon when you have Wailing Arrow, along with a chat message when it begins and when the debuff expires.
05 Soulrender Dormazain Chain Assignments
4.1k InstallsAssignments for breaking chains on Soulrender Dormazain Mythic. Format: startChains {mark1}{mark2}{mark3} name1 name2 name3 name4 name5 name6 endChains
Fatescribe Grim Portent
4.8k InstallsDisplays a countdown for the soak of Grim Portent for Mythic Fatescribe. You need to soak approximately 1.5s after the debuff expires, and the exact timer of the weak aura can be modified in the...
Glacial Wrath ExRT Assignment
2.5k InstallsThe amount of glacial wrath debuffs that are applied at a time depend on how many stacks the boss has + how many debuffs the encounter applies initially ExRT example note: [1] 1{circle} [2] 2{circle}...
Kel'Thuzad Interrupt Order
3.7k InstallsOriginal aura made by Causese: Just configured it for Kel'Thuzad