World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Dire Maul Auto-Spellhit
21 InstallsTO USE THIS WEAKAURA, YOU MUST HAVE ITEMRACK INSTALLED AND AN ITEMRACK LOADOUT NAMED "DireMaul" WITH NO QUOTES AND NO SPACE Automatically equips your Dire Maul gear when you enter Dire Maul, and unequips it...
Remaining Debuff Slots Minimal
28 InstallsThis is a countdown that will show the number of remaining debuff slots available on a boss, for those that don't necessarily care what they are, just how many.
Gor'Shak Auto-abandon
9 InstallsA simple script that abandons the quest for the Gor'shak farm, right after you accept it, to avoid the awkward situation of accidentally turning it in. It have no visual information to the weak aura,...
Darpeh's DMT Companion Free v1.03
36 InstallsIf you enjoy the aura I hope you will consider buying me a coffee: My full version of this aura is now public and free for use. I will leave this up but you...
Raid: Missing Buffs
29 InstallsShows missing raid buffs - Shows saturated icon if buff is missing - Shows bouncing icon if buff has less than 10 min duration remaining - Shows bouncing icon with glow if buff has 5...
Instance History 24h
29 InstallsThis is a fork of Instance History. It shows lockouts for 24 hours instead of 1 hour. This is due to Blizzard's new change to only allow 30 instances within 24 hours.
Darksouls Death Effect Classic
26 InstallsRecreates the dark souls death effect for classic wow. For the sound effect, download the .ogg file and make a folder in your addons folder called "CustomSounds" and place it in the new folder. After...
15 InstallsAutoRollOptions for: -ZG Coins -ZG Bijous -AQ Scarabs -AQ Idols -AQ40 Greater Scarab Coffer Key -AQ20 Scarab Coffer Key -Lockboxes -ALL Uncommon (Greens) Ingame type '/wa', select AutoRollOptions and Tab to Custom Options to set...
Dire Maul Pet On Follow
28 InstallsWarns you if you are inside Dire Maul and your pet is currently on follow. Intended for personal use in DM:N soloing. This script is disabled by default when your spellhit% is 0. If you...
AHYO's TargetFrame - CLASSIC
14 InstallsTargetFrame with all you need! for Classic This is a target frame with click and right click menu. It shows the player's health and other useful information such as the mana bar, target of target,...
LFG Chat Filter
22 Installs*** You can add or remove the filtered keywords by editing the simple code under Actions - On Init *** This simple weakaura will filter out all messages including low-level LFG spam, which means keywords...
Primary Potion Tracker
24 InstallsTracks various primary Potions Duration + Potion CD Tracks: - general Potion/Rune CD Tracker - Stoneshield Duration + Reminder - LIP - LAP - FAP - Haste Potion - Destruction Potion - Swim Potion -...
Cursed - Group and raid curse alert
25 InstallsAlerts you of any teammate with a curse debuff, including yourself. When a curse is detected, a giant face will appear and notify you about it. The face glows when two (2) or more members...
Prayer of Healing Announcer
29 InstallsTriggers Prayer of Healing Icon if a specific amount of partymembers dropped health by predefined amount (are wounded) Both values can be adjusted in custom options. Settings - Amount of required wounded partymembers - Missing...
Kissy Buff
9 InstallsTarget Kwee to refresh your kiss buff (Will remove old buff if he targets you).
Cast/Hit/Crit counter
21 InstallsAdd your spells to keep track of in the custom options. Resets the data after the first successful cast at a new target
World Buff and Enter Raid Automation
14 InstallsAutomatically talk/accept: - Dire Maul Tribute buff NPCs - Molten Core tele NPC - BWL orb - Darmoon Fare Fortune NPC (check the WA's custom options for 10% damage or 10% int)
Auto DMF Buff
10 InstallsShould grab whatever Darkmoon Faire buff you select in the configuration. Edited the WA found here to work correctly:
Position infight
14 InstallsBackup of my classic WAs
21 InstallsCouldnt be bothered having to click the macro each time I wanted to delete the trash items when farming ZF so I made it into a WA, this runs on everyframe instead of checking for...