World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Raid Loot Automator (Bijous, Coins, Scarabs, etc.)
1.7k InstallsThis WA will automatically pass or roll need/greed on raid tokens dropped in ZG/AQ20. Can also filter out roll messages. Now also has options for rolling logic based on item quality, and users can specify...
Greater Scarab Coffer Key Alert
369 InstallsTriggers when a player loots a Greater Scarab Coffer Key Shows an icon + name of the player who looted the key Sends a whisper to the player with a custom message A whitelist...
Loot the Qiraji Lord's Insignia
325 InstallsA reminder to loot the Qiraji Lord's Insignia in AQ40. - Loads when you enter AQ40 - Triggers when you successfully end one of the 8 boss encounters that include a QLI drop - Untriggers...
132 Installs克苏恩战斗中监控内场人员DEBUFF层数和内场触须血量。
Mage Monitor
945 InstallsTracks mages casts, CDs and targets. * Auto-detect mages in raid * Display casts, target names and raid icons * Display AP, Combustion, PI and trinket usage * Auto-detect Frostbolt/Fireball cast duration * Cast speed...
Threat Percentage
593 InstallsShows your threat percentage, 100% = aggro. Some code taken from here:
Group Request
230 InstallsIMPORTANT: you must be RaidLeader or single. If you are RaidLeader, auto invite and set unit to requested group if whisper you with @1 … @8. 2020-10-12 add auto grouping after Ouro dead (would cause...
Missing Buffs and Consumables (Customizable with Custom Options)
427 InstallsImportant : If you're updating from a previous version, make sure you delete the entire group first and then import. Behavior : - Activates in a raid instance. - If you have the buff and...
Skeram maind contol auto disarm
92 Installsauto unequip your weapons in mind controll
Ahn'Qiraj Toggle Autoloot Scarabs & Idols (Ger + Eng)
122 InstallsYou can choose to automatically select Need, Greed or Pass for all Scarabs, Idols and Mounts in Ahn'Qiraj. The default option is "Don't decide" which will just show you the default rollwindow. Works with the...
Pronator's AQ40 Slayer & Lasher Fishing Helper
139 InstallsFind out how many Qiraji Mindslayer/Slayer pack & Qiraji Lasher/Wasp/Stinger packs have spawned in AQ40. This is simply an enhanced version of Myu's Qiraji Fishing Helper ( to also track Lasher/Wasp/Stinger packs! Requires a priest/hunter...
Slayer Whirlwind
162 InstallsShows a 2s countdown icon every time a Qiraji Slayer is about to whirlwind
Mind Control Nameplate
58 InstallsPuts a circle on a mind controlled player
141 Installs1 默认配置仅在克苏恩P1阶段才运行,也可配置在任何时候检测10码内是否有其他玩家。 2 当身边10码有超过4人(可配置)时,认为是在进门,不发出警报。 3 仅人物静止时才进行检测(可配置),否则认为人物在跑位,不发出警报。 4 当P1发出黑暗闪耀之后48秒(可配置)之后才检测。
110 InstallsHp bars of raidmarked targets + player target count. Throttled the every frame check to 2/s to increase performance Changed some visuals. Credit
Threat Bar with time until aggro
80 InstallsThreatbars for you and your pet, with display of time until you pull aggro. The tank and your current threat per second gets extrapolated to calculate when you will pull aggro, so it might be...
AQ40: Zippy's Glob of Viscidus Kill Counter
54 InstallsThis WA displays a progress bar, which counts the kills of Globs during the Viscidus encounter in AQ40. When 18 globs are dead, the progress bar will read "all globs are dead", as Viscidus will...
65 InstallsWarns you if there's a friendly raid member MCed near you. It tracks the Skeram MC and the Qiraji Mindslayer/Brainwasher MC. There's 3 interaction range settings to choose from: Follow, Trade, and Inspect/Duel. Follow is...
Glowing Frames - AQ40 - Cthun MindFlay
137 InstallsAll credit to for the complicated bits of code
Raid 药剂/武器附魔/烹饪 监视
635 InstallsCredits to: 义薄云天李纯矜@NGA 常用药剂/BUFF/武器附魔 监视 (配合NDui食用无需调整位置) 药剂/烹饪/武器附魔监视在40人团本才开启 法师/术士 护甲/恶魔牺牲监视 在小队中/团队中都会开启 具体作用呢, 就是 可以让你节省N多技能栏位, 不用放乱七八糟的药剂 烹饪, 磨刀石 啥的了 当你在40人的raid副本中时, 会提示缺失的药剂/烹饪/武器附魔 并且是高亮提示 左键/右键点一下, 就可以吃药 吃烹饪 武器附魔了 PS: 所有武器附魔/烹饪/药剂 均支持所有语言客户端 法师/术士 护甲/恶魔牺牲, 因为是技能的关系, 无法使用技能ID, 所以仅支持简体中文客户端, 有需要的请自己更改法术名称即可. 支持列表: 战士坦克:...