World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
3 InstallsRank numbers on shards in your inventory. There is a small delay before they first appear.
DC Idiot
6 InstallsThis is a simple weak aura that will play a voice line when Disciplinary Command has finished it's internal cooldown and can be applied again.
2 Installs簡易名條圖示,讓沒有使用名條UI的玩家可以辨識異常之力。
Torghast - Forsworn Feather Helper
5 InstallsWhat you need as a Hunter in Torghast! When getting Forsworn Feather in Torghast, Disengage will increase your movement speed by 3%. This Aura reminds you to cast Disengage when the spell is ready until...
2 Installs爬塔的一些buff监视
Judged: Worthy
4 InstallsYells if your "Judgment" judges your target to be WORTHY.
Complete Currency and Item Tracker 3
2 InstallsUpdated to include full shadowlands currency, Added tower of knowledge sub section for maw sub section for torghast
Judged: Unworthy
3 InstallsYells if your "Judgment" judges your target to be UNWORTHY.
Torghast Anima Cells (KangarooStu)
0 InstallsPops up a reminder icon(s) when you have Plundered/Ravenous Anima Cells in your bag to remind you to use them.
Torghast - Forsworn Feather
0 InstallsTracks stacks of the Forsworn Feather buff, displays if Disengage is available, and you're NOT at 30 stacks of the speed increase
Torghast - Soulforge Embers
1 InstallsDisplays the SFE icon if you have the SFE anima power and Flare is castable
Mad Wizard's Intuition
1 InstallsI got tired of forgetting to do my Mad Wizard's power when I went up a floor in Torghast, so this WA just puts an icon on the middle of the screen as a reminder...
Sprawl's Rogue Defensives
0 InstallsA quick and dirty Weakaura, mostly around the Torghast Rogue strategy of using reducing Grappling Hook's cooldown and using it to proc immunities.
The Horsemen's Call
0 Installsa jumping icon to remind you to use Death Gate when you have the anima power
Unceasing Chain Link
0 InstallsDisplays a glowing icon when you have the chain link available.
0 InstallsCreated by BrobØt US-Sargeras