World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Healthstone missing.
15 InstallsDepends on Custom Options, it will notify Players that youre run out of healthstone, when there is a WarLock in your Party/Raid.
SCRATCHED KNIFE - Torghast - Warrior
20 InstallsDisplays a glowing icon while the Scratched Knife buff is active so you don't forget to shattering throw something for your free anima power each floor.
Corrosive Dosage Tracker
16 InstallsTracks the damage of your current Corrosive Dosage buff
Marksman Cooldowns
15 InstallsClean & simple cooldowns Weakaura as dynamic group
Reminder to change domination shards in dungeons - Winds of Winter
10 InstallsThis weakaura will show an icon in the middle of your screen reminding you to change your Domination Shards if you enter a dungeon using any of the non-dps shards. With the 3 sets not...
Insight Tracker (Outlaw/Shadowghast - Guile Charm)
14 InstallsTacks Insight buffs and how much Sinister Strikes to go for next Stage (every 4th SS hit)
Torghast Shadow Word Death Helper
16 InstallsA Simple SW:D icon. It appears when you can successfully execute current target with SW:D.
SMOLDERING INERTIA - Torghast - Warrior
15 InstallsDisplays a simple duration bar for the Smoldering Intertia buff in Torghast
Discordian's Fire Mage Tracker 9.0.2
15 InstallsWhen Infernal Cascade up, you can track it's cooldown. When your Firestrom legendary procs, you can track its cooldown also.
Deathseer's Whip - Thorgast
11 InstallsThis WA tracks 30 secs CD on Deathseer's Whip. keywords: deathseer
Phantasmic Infuser Reminder
7 InstallsThis Weakaura will not be updated anymore Description Rewrite of . For better load conditions and trigger handling. If you like the WeakAura please be so kind and give it a star ★ Check...
Deathseer's Whip - Thorgast
9 InstallsTracks mini heroism / BL whenever you drop down a totem while having the Deathseer's Whip anima power obtained. Will only load for Shamans and in Thorgast Created by: Frost-Xavius [EU] Discord: MicroFrost#0001
10 Installsdas zeigt einfahc nur die eige Hp an
SkipTalkingHead 关闭任务视频通话
6 Installs总有sx任务NPC要弹窗介绍任务, 全部关闭统统关闭. 告诉我去哪杀谁杀几个不就完事了么. The title says everything.
Catharstick Absorb Amount
7 InstallsDisplay the progression for Catharstick anima power Not loading ? Set the name of torghast in custom options. default one is in english : "Torghast, Tower of the Damned"
DK Torghast
7 InstallsWeak Auras for Deathknights to track: Rune Hunter + Spice progress Grabby Hand Duration Lichborne Duration and CD Left Horseman Available Some of these weren't made by me, credit to those who made them, ty
Ravenous Anima Cell In Bag
2 InstallsRiv
Empowered announce caster
3 InstallsAnnounce name of caster for Empowered in Torghast
Zersetzende Belebung
5 InstallsSimple Aura shows time of Buff and Damage
Diomer BRM Shadowlands
5 InstallsBrewmaster WeakAura's For Shadowlands Includes: -Purifying Chi buff-tracker -Buff% of next Celestial Brew -Time and absorb remaining of CB -Detox-self icon Based on Darkmech's BFA-WA's I use this together with my ElvUI profile