World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Tama's Forbidden Reach Helper
3.9k InstallsFully featured stand alone helper for the 10.0.7 patch Forbidden Reach Storm "Evolved Storm" Rares and professional rare kill tracking with Waypoints Item tracking intro quest tracking Trial of storms Check the Trello Broad for...
eating nam nam
9.3k Installshello friends you can change what the WA says under Actions only works inside an instance
Council of Blood Kick Aura
997 InstallsMakes it so your dumb dps raid idiots don't miss their dumb dps kicks on Council of Blood.
Fish Feast Down
431 InstallsTells everyone around you to eat fish when a Fish Feast is dropped.
Master Gatherer
191 InstallsMaster's Choice. Simply track crafting reagents and currencies. Last Update: 8.30.2022 Ready for: Shadowlands (Dragonflight asap.) !IMPORTANT!: You can't see any icon with first import. Please see "Custom Options" tab and choice what you want....
Shadowlands Gathering (herbs, ore, fish)
367 InstallsShadowlands Gathering Shows a pretty list of herbs, ore and fish you have in your bags whilst you're out gathering. Only loads if: Character has the appropriate gathering profession, as well as… … being mounted...
Buff-Food Missing
1.2k InstallsMissing Buff-Food Reminder for Raids or Dungeons (pre-set for Raids). Also shows a timer and glow effect when you're eating your food.
Harvest Reagents Icons - Gathering and crafting professions Trackers
96 InstallsDescription This Weakauras is intended for gathering and crafting professions. His purpose is to show how many reagents there is in the bag and the bank. He also glow the icon of the item that...
Feast used
887 InstallsLets you know when someone puts down a Great Feast or a Fish Feast in a raid so you don't miss it. The person's name that used it is also shown. Plays a cookie monster...
BFA - All in One - Tracker crafting Reagents
58 InstallsTrack all itens that can be farm. If you dont have any item in bag or bank, the icon will not show. Any suggestion just leave a comment.
Don't Move, Food Buff!!!
107 InstallsA Simple Food Buff Reminder. Has Sounds: To Let You Know Your Eating And Not To Move. To Let You Know You Are Well Feed And Can Now Move. Icon And Text Flash. WeakAura Lasts...
Remove Profession Equipment Buff
241 InstallsThis will remove all buffs related to Profession Equipment so it can't ruin your transmog. I made this WA because Mahra Treebender ( is supposed to limit when you see your equipment but doesn't work....
54 Installs打本的时候总爱没事点空格跳,坐地10s吃食物也不例外,然后就得再吃一次。 图标倒计时10s烹饪,控制住自己别乱动。
Shadowlands Meat Count
51 InstallsDisplays character's total Bag and Bank count of Shadowlands Meats.
Shadowlands: Crafting Reagent Tracker
33 InstallsShadowlands: Crafting Reagent Tracker Grid based. Requirements: LibCustomGlow Tell me if i should add a reagent. by ShakyIpsen
Siguiente Festin Comunitario Europa
91 InstallsAura Original
Feast Squeak
1 InstallsPlays the "feast squeak" from previous expansions for Hoard of Draconic Delicacies and Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak
Easy Buy
6 InstallsExchange 10x emblems with 1 click and Spam buying epic gems , no need to press accept button everytime. supported NPCs to buy Gems and exchange Emblems : - any Epic gem seller NPCs -...
Exo's Winter Veil Mistletoe Reminder
1 InstallsDisplays an animated Icon on your screen to remind you to go to the next innkeeper and collect your next /kiss presents. Does not showup in raids, battlegrounds or when you are still in combat...
Battle for Azeroth 8.2 Profession Supplies Tracker
28 InstallsAll in one area to track BfA Mats for all professions. This gives you a total of all the items in your bags and bank. Only the items you currently possess in your bags or...