World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
Smolgunner | CC Timer | 2022
0 InstallsCC Timers for all classes/specs with duration + caster name
Dynamic DK CDs
0 InstallsSimple DK timers on active saves
DK Sangre WA
0 InstallsWeak auras simple para dk Sangre. No esta acabado aun pero lo que esta diría que funciona bien. Apreciaría algo de feedback sobre que podría corregir/añadir al WA.
ksib's Frost DK
0 Installs7.1.5 Dragonstorm Build for Frost DK This is a collection of 35 auras: RW Timer (text) RW Timer -10 (text) Frost Fever (aurabar) Rime OFF (icon) Rime ON (icon) KM OFF (icon) KM ON (icon)...
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 7 auras: BoneShieldBorder (texture) Bone Shield Aura 2 (texture) BoneShieldBorderOff (texture) BoneShieldGloss (texture) BoneShieldGlossOff (texture) BoneShieldTimer (text) BoneShieldStack (text)
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 13 auras: BloodTapOffCD (icon) BloodTap1Charge (icon) BloodTapOnCD (icon) BloodTapBorderOffCD (texture) BloodTapBorderOnCD (texture) BloodTapBorderNoCharges (texture) BloodTapGloss (texture) BloodTapCDCircle (progresstexture) BloodTapCharges (text) BloodTapCDTimer (text) OssuaryAura (icon) OssuaryBorder (texture) OssuaryGloss (texture)
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 13 auras: RuneTapAura (icon) RuneTapAuraOff (icon) RuneTapBorder (texture) RuneTapBorderOff (texture) RuneTapGloss (texture) RuneTapRing (progresstexture) RuneTapCircle (progresstexture) RuneTapStacks (text) RuneTapTimer (text) RuneTapCD (text) WilloftheNecropolisAura (icon) WilloftheNecropolisBorder (texture) WilloftheNecropolisGloss (texture)
Apachai UH DK #2 /spells cd
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 5 auras: Soul Reaper CD (icon) Dark Transformation CD (icon) apoc cd (icon) Defile CD (icon) garg (icon)
Apachai UH DK #3 /spellz
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 5 auras: apoc (icon) trans (icon) defile (icon) Soul Reaper READY 2 (icon) arbiter (icon)
DK - Unholy CDs
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 23 auras: Gargoyle Ready Bar (aurabar) Gargoyle Active Bar (aurabar) Gargoyle CD Bar (aurabar) Arbiter Active Bar (aurabar) Arbiter CD Bar (aurabar) AMS Ready Bar (aurabar) AMS Active Bar (aurabar)...
Everything Tracker 2 (Background Runes)
0 InstallsTo be used with: -Dynamic runes: -Main stuff: -Dynamic DK cooldown duration bars: -DK defensive cooldown icons: Best used with: -Rest of CDs: -Crowd Control Dynamic CDs with range indicator:
Everything Tracker 4 (Dynamic Defensive CD Duration)
0 InstallsTo be used with: -Dynamic runes: -Background runes: -Main stuff: -DK defensive cooldown icons: Best used with: -Rest of CDs: -Crowd Control Dynamic CDs with range indicator:
Everything Tracker 3 (Main stuff)
0 InstallsAdded Frost Support To be used with: -Dynamic runes: -Background runes: -Dynamic DK cooldown duration bars: -DK defensive cooldown icons: Best used with: -Rest of CDs: -Crowd Control Dynamic CDs...
Narkfurion: Death Knight Runes
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 29 auras: B1 Active (aurabar) BD1 Active (aurabar) B1 CD (aurabar) BD1 CD (aurabar) B2 Active (aurabar) BD2 Active (aurabar) B2 CD (aurabar) BD2 CD (aurabar) F1 Active (aurabar) FD1...
Everything Tracker 4 (Dynamic Defensive CD Duration Frost)
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 12 auras: SRune1 (aurabar) SRune1F (aurabar) SRune2 (aurabar) SRune2F (aurabar) SRune3 (aurabar) SRune3F (aurabar) SRune4 (aurabar) SRune4F (aurabar) SRune5 (aurabar) SRune5F (aurabar) SRune6 (aurabar) SRune6F (aurabar)
DK Cooldown Measures
0 InstallsMeasures Damage for: Breath of Sindragosa, Blood Mirror, Dark Arbiter I have compiled a set of weak auras that measure the damage done by DK cooldowns over their duration and then reports your performance back...
Frost DK CD
0 InstallsCut down and fixed version of a cd management aura found elsewhere.
Rune Bar
0 InstallsThe bravest pigmy once fought and fell and danced to their demise.
0 InstallsUnholy DK Backup
BortMalort - Stream Spec indicator
0 InstallsQuick icon indicator in case you want to stream and want to show what DK spec you play