World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Kaje - Class Main: Death Knight - Blood
0 InstallsBlood rotation - Depends on
Kaje - Class Main: Death Knight - Frost
0 InstallsFrost rotation - Depends on
Unholy Pact Hit Counter
0 InstallsDisplays the number of unique enemies hit with the Unholy Pact beam each tick.
Marreiro DK Resources
0 InstallsA Secondary bar for DK's (all specs) Showing available and suggested spells during combat
Acroma Unholy Suit
0 InstallsCompact and complete unholy weak aura. Runes not included. You can get them fom here:
Blood CD's by Stick
0 InstallsA humble WA including defensives available to use at any given moment. Icons hidden if on CD, or if there are not the resources available/required to cast. Marrowrend will only show if less than 5...
CD Bar : Death Knight Unholy v1
0 InstallsIt's my CD Bar for my UDK Please give me some feedback to improve it
0 InstallsAuras set for blood DK (some of them can be used by any DK specs). Auras for runes can be downloaded at this link :
The Horsemen's Call
0 Installsa jumping icon to remind you to use Death Gate when you have the anima power
DK PvP Focus Interrupt CDs
0 InstallsShows which interrupts are usable, the stun/grip will show if MF is on CD. Doesn't keep track of stun immunities. Pet Leap has to be on actionbar slot 47 to work, you can swap the...
DK PvP Target Interrupt CDs
0 InstallsShows which interrupts are usable, the stun/grip will show if MF is on CD. Doesn't keep track of stun immunities. Pet Leap has to be on actionbar slot 47 to work, you can swap the...
Marreiro HUD Frost DK Slanted
0 InstallsFrost DK Slanted HEalth Bar And Runic Power Bar
0 Installs可以随着切换盟约而显示,并且能够直接点击使用,省掉技能栏里面的且换盟约宏
Custom Netherwalk Sound - You Can't Kill Me!
0 InstallsDownload CustomSounds.rar from Google Drive. Extract it into your World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns file. If you want to use it on other immunity abilities, pls change the spell ID in the WeakAura>Trigger 1>Exact Spell ID(s).
Legendary Audit
0 InstallsWarns if you don't have a Unity legendary equipped. Set up to warn if you don't have a specific legendary equipped for a specific class+spec. For example, I have it set up to warn if...
DefCooldowns [DE]
0 InstallsRaid/Persönliche Def Cooldown Es werden alle Raid Cooldowns als Schild angezeigt, mit dem % Wert wie viel sie schützen, außerdem werden für Tanks jeder externe Def Cooldowns um Spieler herum angezeigt.
Golluméo - Buffs
0 InstallsThis set goes along my other classes WA. Kinda mandatory if you're looking to get my UI installed :p
T21-11 Argus the Unmaker
0 InstallsArgus the Unmaker Tank Auras for all langages. Requires the other tank to be your focus for these to fully work. T21-11 Sweeping Scythe Self (icon) T21-11 Sweeping Scythe Focus (icon)
T21-04 Portal Keeper Hasabel Tank Auras
0 InstallsPortal Keeper Hasabel Tank Auras for all langages. Requires the other tank to be your focus for these to fully work. T21-04 Reality Tear Focus (icon) T21-04 Reality Tear Self (icon) T21-04 Fire Portal (icon)...
T21-03 Antoran High Command Tank Aureas
0 InstallsAntoran High Command Tank Auras for all langages. Requires the other tank to be your focus for these to fully work. T21-03 Exploit Weakness Focus (icon) T21-03 Exploit Weakness Self (icon)