World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
6.2 Hellfire Citadel - Mythic Gorefiend (Digest Timers)
0 InstallsNOTE: This aura is marked as 'Training' becasue it has a large and commented code base. Hopefully someone can take this and learn a few tricks. This is a collection of 1 auras: Digest Bar...
Caster Bars
1 InstallsWIP, not terribly useful. Mostly for me to learn some WA stuff. Updated from as a more generic set of bars for casters - Health bar is now class-colored - Changed default loading to...
Fubar's Hunter's Mark
0 InstallsSets A Icon Over The Ememy Icon Aswell As Cover Slot 8 On Your Cast Bar's Of The Normal WoW UI.
0 InstallsVideo of the UI: Other Weak Auras for this Collection: 1) Interface 2) Player Frames 3) Target Frames 4) Name Plates 5) Buff Icons 6) Buff Bars 7)...
Blod DK wip
1 Installs- Rune tracking (Did not like those progress bars i saw in most WA's, rune circles are way more awsome :D ) - Runic power bar - CD tracking (Bottom Left) - DK-buff tracking (Top...
HelloMikko's WADrui
0 InstallsShows moon powers graphically as well as the CD timers, resources and more. Slight clean looking and heavy customizable.
AP Pro Bar Lite
0 InstallsBasically, AP Pro Bar without icons and trackers. This pretty much the shiny bar and AP number. Version 1 = Basic Version 2 = MASS EDIT config (used to change the size of the bars)...
0 InstallsTesting Space
0 InstallsTesting Space
光线工事 Light Defense (Demo)
0 Installs
Wisp X when you cast Y after Z second(s)
0 InstallsReally simple weakaura used to send a wisp to someone some time after you cast a spell. Could be used ie. If you want to wisp for a PI 10s after casting CD as Boomie.
예제1) 체력을 %로 표시
0 Installs생명력 % 표시하기
0 InstallsConsole command for ActionButtonUse. Do note you wont be able to click off debuffs while using this.
0 InstallsThis is a text type aura. press LEFT SHIFT to reset energize (basically during your dump). This is a TEST AURA ONLY. EXAMPLE:
Need help - flickering aura
0 InstallsAura flickers between the size I try to set in the animation and the size i had originally with the slider. I want it to ignore the slider but it flickers from time to time....
remaining CDs_Hunter curved symbol animation
0 Installscooldown bar with a curved symbol animation (left arched curve; from top to bottom) The skill triggers can be changed by name or ID. The bar is for orientation and should be adjusted according to...
Evoker Devastation
0 InstallsEvoker Devastation WA package still in WIP
Arms Warrior (Rotation Cooldowns) (WIP)
0 InstallsProvides some centered popups for the primary skills used in a warrior rotation. Masque is needed to make the aura's appear as circles.
Ryada's BrM Aura
0 InstallsThis is a WIP weakaura, and was made based on an outdated version from Legion. To get the full effect from it; 3 additional texture files are required to display the class specialization icons. You...
Black Temple Raid Frames Glow
0 InstallsThis aura will cause your raid frames to glow when a member of your raid team has a debuff that can be dispelled.