World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
- Hunter
- Mage
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- General
- Combat Mechanics
- Sepulcher Of The First Ones
- Castle Nathria
- Timewalking
- Sunwell Plateau
- Black Temple
- Equipment
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- Sanctum of Domination
- The Battle for Mount Hyjal
- Serpentshrine Cavern
- The Eye
- Lairs of Giants
- Karazhan
- TBC Dungeons
- Death Knight
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- Naxxramas
- Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Zul'Gurub
- Blackwing Lair
- Molten Core
- Classic Dungeons
- Gathering Professions
- PvP
- Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- Crafting Professions
- Secondary Professions
- Development
- Single Bosses
- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
- Ulduar
- Trial of the Crusader
- Vault of Archavon
- The Obsidian Sanctum
- The Eye of Eternity
- Onyxia's Lair
- The Ruby Sanctum
- WotLK Dungeons
- Zul'Aman
- Icecrown Citadel
Nomi Items
0 InstallsShows up if you have enough Prepared Ingredients or Recipe Scraps from Nomi in Legion Dalaran to get yourself some items/recipes, if you're one of the people still making the trek out there to do...
Cygu CH** Deft Strajk Taeshalach Edyszyn 2k18
0 InstallsCygu CH** Deft Strajk Taeshalach Edyszyn 2k18 WA na wszystko, wgrywając ją stajesz się zajebistym graczem w giereczke.
Miner Inventory
0 InstallsDisplay the amount of all ores in the player's inventory, ores from Vanilla to BFA (french IDs) You can toggle it on/off with this macro : /run local cvar="WeakaurasCustomToggle1" SetCVar(cvar,1-GetCVar(cvar),cvar)
Farm BFA (Herboriste)