World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
Wild Spirits Detector
0 InstallsShow when someone in party casts Wild Spirits.
Modified Kuripala Weakauras - Divenire
0 InstallsThese were originally created by Kuri of Method, and I've slowly reiterated and built upon them since I first saw them in his vods. Note -- to import the 'active' buffs for these weakauras, you...
Spiritshell Ready
0 InstallsDiese Weakaura habe ich mir selbst geschrieben um 25 Sekunden bevor meine Spiritshell ready wird, es mir angezeigt wird. Damit ich genau weiß, in diesen 25 Sekunden kann ich noch einmal Machtwort Glanz benutzen und...
0 InstallsPareil mais en anglais bande de larves
Экстра-бар (кликабельные скилы)
0 InstallsКликабельные wa скилов.
0 InstallsAnnonce visuel si le tank miss ou crit frappe héroique ou sanguinaire Fonctionne uniquement sur les boss de raids Client francais
0 InstallsOriginal weakaura by ResultsMayVary. Added a trigger to track DMT, WCB and Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer buffs to improve cancelaura logic.
Rogue Tri-Spec suit
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 70 auras: Vanish (icon) Vanish av (icon) DFA (icon) DFA av (icon) Cloak of Shadows (icon) Cloak of Shadows av (icon) Shadow Dance (icon) Shadow Dance UP (icon) ExSang (icon)...
Debuff Slots tracker (Rus)
0 Installscontains chat announcement for update debuffs. To disable delete all in conditions tab содержит объявление в чате на обновления дебаффов. Чтобы отключить удалите всё во вкладке условия
0_걍령_백일몽 (알림, 클릭시 오라취소)
0 Installs강령술사 에이미르 "제련살이 백일몽" 발동 시 체팅으로 발동 및 남은시간 알림 클릭 시 오라취소 백일몽 (바로 죽음)
Экстра-бар (тринкеты)
0 InstallsКликабельные тринкеты
Экстра-бар (поты)
0 InstallsКликабельные поты, оригинал Переделал немного под себя
Custom Netherwalk Sound - You Can't Kill Me!
0 InstallsDownload CustomSounds.rar from Google Drive. Extract it into your World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns file. If you want to use it on other immunity abilities, pls change the spell ID in the WeakAura>Trigger 1>Exact Spell ID(s).
SMI Active
0 InstallsAnnounces when Shadowmoon Insignia is used
Healing Consumes
0 InstallsThis is a weak aura for the raid consumes you use and are present in your bags: This is character Specific so for it to work for your toon please do the below steps :...
Saith's general rogue utility bar (Sub/OL/BFA Ready)
0 InstallsAll spells have GCD/Range/CD/Glow when active where necessary, Bar changes depending on active spec.
Group Inviter
0 InstallsWA to automatically set up your raid based on a pre-filled table in Excel
Black Temple Raid Frames Glow
0 InstallsThis aura will cause your raid frames to glow when a member of your raid team has a debuff that can be dispelled.
Skinpu's Retri/prot Pala Pack
0 InstallsThese are my Weakauras for Retribution and Protection Paladin Link for Elvui: Large update: big overhaul on size and position, some icons been changed, merged with my prot pack which has also received a...
Legendary Audit
0 InstallsWarns if you don't have a Unity legendary equipped. Set up to warn if you don't have a specific legendary equipped for a specific class+spec. For example, I have it set up to warn if...