World of Warcraft
13,268 Mods
ElvUI SticeUI - Healer Cooldowns (8.3)
9 InstallsElvUI Profile SticeUI Plugin Install - (Please use the plugin for the latest updates) SticeUI - Stice'n'Dice Channel WeakAuras Profiles - Due to an WeakAuras issue with the profile, I have removed...
Monk WA Hub by MrMoranz (8.1.5)
8 InstallsThis is my first attempt at making a full WA Hub for every class/spec in the game, any feedback please leave in the comments on here, tell me over on my twitch channel or...
8 InstallsMonk(Util) Be sure to install: second wa & texture on dropbox
Lifecycle on mouse cursor
8 InstallsA weakaura that shows you wich of the spells gives you 25% mana Reduction. Its on your mouse cursor and it still shows it when you rightclick !!!
MistWeaver Monk
8 InstallsA little Weak Aura i did for myself, found it good, so i post it. Only working with my talents, so 1323233. In my WeakAura, there is : CD => Sun Rising Kick, Renewing mist,...
Luxthos - Monk Resources
8 InstallsPatch 8.1 - Created by Luxthos
Black Ox Statue
8 InstallsCreates a custom HP Bar for your Black Ox Statue underneath your players Health Bar. Shows Cooldown Info, Threat, and Health Percentage of the statue.
RYU Sound Effects from SFV for Windwalker Monk
8 InstallsWill also need the sound effect files here: Save folder in _retail_/Interface/RYUSFV Make sure the folder name is "RYUSFV" Sound is based on the Dialog levels so don't forget to check your sound levels!...
Asthetic - Critical damage counter - Combat in-out
7 Installs- Critical damage counter - Enemy focus on you - Beginning and end of a fight signified by a sword on your portrait
ZerkinzUI Pro | StatBars | v1.0
7 InstallsVisually represented Secondary stats via color-coded bars!
Cradle of Anguish - Strength of Will
7 InstallsClean simple Cradle buff stack counter.
Realsnooper's StatPrio
6 InstallsA simple textbox, which shows you the best stats for your current and your secondary spec. [STATE: Patch 9.0.1 / Icy Veins]
Tank Health/Absorb
8 InstallsBlood-DK -> Tank-Paladin -> Absorb and Health for Tanks AbsorbValue (text) HealthPercentText (text) Absorb Value Text (text)
!SpizyPie - Energy Regeneration Speed
0 InstallsVisualizes energy regeneration speed for Rogues, Ferals and Monks.
3 InstallsArcade style hit combo tracker for the Windwalker talent.
Monk - Brew ISB tracker
6 InstallsShows ISB in such a way that it's obvious if you'll overcap, or it's about to expire.
6 InstallsThis is a collection of 16 auras: Energy-Brew (aurabar) Blackout Strike (icon) Blackout Strike Go (icon) Keg Smash (icon) Keg Smash Go (icon) Keg Smash 2 (aurabar) Breath of Fire (icon) Breath of Fire Go...
Monk Mistweaver - Mouse Tracker - Symbols
6 InstallsSee
Brewmaster Monk
5 InstallsThis is a collection of 25 auras: BOx - DamageWarning (texture) BOx (icon) Purified amount (text) Layered stagger (0-100% -> 100-200%) (aurabar) Energy (aurabar) Int (icon) Int Glow (icon) Concordance of the Legionfall Brew (icon)...
Jinxit's Brewmaster Monk - Defensives
5 InstallsPlease check out the collection for all WAs. Custom art: (Drop the Custom folder inside Interface)