World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
RU | Erdris | End of the Risen Threat | Mage Tower | Heal Challenge | by Rainon
598 InstallsAll tips are only in Russian, but WA works with any language. If you translate a certain aura, please don’t forget about it’s source. - - - - - - - - - - -...
Mistweaver Buffs
429 InstallsTracks helpful Mistweaver Monk buffs to make sure you have the best usage of them
External Cooldowns
337 InstallsDynamic group of externals, with bouncing BoP "buff" as a priority. Also makes a "kaching" sound when you get some buffs. :P v5. Fixed some spell ID problems, added few more raid buffs, icluding Shaman...
Heal: Death Strike
566 InstallsThis will indicate when a Blood Death Knight has enough runic power to use the Death Strike ability
Instant Vivify Up
211 InstallsShows a glowing icon if the instant vivify is available. Stops glowing outside of combat.
Interrupt Notifier
294 InstallsThis WA will notify if interrupt or stun spell are not on CD and target is casting interruptible spells. All Class and Talent supported. Interrupt Notifier (Dynamic Group) Consume Magic (Icon) Spell Steal (Icon) Disrupt...
Lust Exact Debuff Timer
276 InstallsLust Debuff Timer (icon) Indicates the remaining timer before lust is available again with the number of seconds as well. Useful mostly (for me) in M+ to know if you have 3 minutes left or...
Newfound Resolve / Trial of Doubt tracker
569 InstallsWA made to track the new Pelagos buff "Newfound Resolve". Shows you a progress bar of the time you have left to face "your doubts". If you have the "SharedMedia_Causese" addon it will do the...
Vault of the Incarnates Healer Ramp Timers
379 Installsshows an icon ~15 sec before most major damage events to help time ramps or whatever work with bigwigs only
Mage Tower - The Highlord's Return (Tank Challenge)
19 InstallsMage Tower weakauras for the challenge 'The Highlord's Return' vs Inquisitor Variss and Highlord Kruul (Blood Death Knight, Vengeance Demon Hunter, Guardian Druid, Brewmaster Monk, Protection Paladin, Protection Warrior). My weakauras require the soundpack created...
Raid CD usage
390 InstallsLists currently active major healing/raid cooldowns. Dependencies (you must have these installed for this WeakAura to work) LibGroupInspecT 1.1: Supported cooldowns Shaman Healing Tide Totem Spirit Link Totem Mana Tide Totem Ancestral Protection Totem...
Unit Frame - Player
231 InstallsA simple class colour health bar (displays absorbs as well) that changes resource type when you do. Should work for any class/resource type. Feedback appreciated. Displays a health bar and the power type: Mana Maelstrom...
Power Infusion 25% HASTE BUFF (Придание сил)
573 InstallsДанная Аура отслеживает на вас баф Приста Придание сил. Можете смело редактировать и улучшать если придумаете чет еще, а мне нужно было только отслеживание дебафа на мне. This aura of tracks on you buff Priest...
Darkmoon Deck: Repose
252 InstallsDarkmoon Deck: Repose buff 5-7 and glows on 8, plus cooldown tracking
Monk - Stagger
470 InstallsThe number represents the % of Stagger At Low Stagger the Bar turns Green. At Medium Stagger the Bar turns Yellow At High Stagger the Bar turns Red. I did not create this weakaura but...
WusorUI | Monk | Mistweaver Windwalker Brewmaster
235 InstallsMODIFIED AFENAR VERSION! Credits to Afenar for Base WA. You want more Specs? All Imports Druid (Updated) Monk (Updated) Paladin (Updated) Rogue (Updated) Hunter (Semi Updated) If you want the Interface to look exactly the...
Mark of the Crane Tracker
313 InstallsThis WeakAura tracks how many targets you have tagged with Mark of the Crane.
Low Mana Announcer
381 InstallsShow alert message to you and write message in the chat when your amount of mana is less then needed value (%). Needed value can be set in the WA user-settings (by default it's 10%)....
Mad Duke's Tea / Party Favor tracker & reminder
501 InstallsTrack CD of the Mad Duke's Tea item, reminds you to use it and helps you to have the "correct" - mainstat buff on yourself IF desired stat isn't main stat you can update trigger...
Combustion Tracker for Tanks || XPANtv
487 InstallsYoutube: XPANtv Twitter: @XPANtv Twitch: XPANtv Combustion Tracker for Tanks Simple icon to let TANKS knows the cd of fire mage combustion in party and when he pop it. Really important to maximize the fire...