World of Warcraft
13,260 Mods
Fury of Xuen Tracker w/ Indicator
37 InstallsMade by Blinkenn
Giawiigi's Mana Bar
68 InstallsHey! I'm Giawiigi and I love healing in WoW. I have and play every healing class every expansion, and I have a very tailored UI and Weak Aura system built for each spec. I thought...
Renewing Mist is Off CD
62 InstallsWeakaura built from the How to Priest Prayer of Mending Weakaura to help Mistweaver monks with a simple icon
HP, Alternate Power - HUD
81 InstallsThis is a HUD which displays HP and alternate power for several classes as well as soul shards, combo points, runes, etc. Classes covered are: Death Knight, Monk, Priest, Druid, Warlock, and Shaman. Picture provides...
Monk-Brewmaster EH + Bars v1.7
25 InstallsThis group includes 3 elements: 1) Expel Harm Icon This aura indicates how much Expel Harm will heal for, as a percentage of maximum HP. All of the options can be found in Actions >...
Mistweaver Group
10 InstallsThis weakaura gives all the tools needed for a mistweaver to track everything they need to. It tracks multiple talents and all spell cds.
Purifying brew use on heavy stagger
76 InstallsWhen you hit heavy stagger (60% stagger or higher) a reminder pops up to use Purifying brew
Monk - Ironskin Brew
73 InstallsThis shows how many Iron Skin & Purifying Brews you have as well as showing how long it's active and showing how long the recharge time is.
WW Pro Bar
47 InstallsMasque: FlatSquares This is a collection of 49 auras: Touch of Karma CD (icon) Touch of Karma (icon) Spinning Crane Kick (icon) Whirling Dragon Punch Not Active (icon) Whirling Dragon Punch (icon) Whirling Dragon Punch...
Castbar with Class Colors and GCD and Latency
56 InstallsThis is a simple cast bar with class colors and GCD and latency tracking. It also truncates long spell names that would otherwise overlap with the progress text. Hides the default Blizzard cast bar. The...
0 InstallsPlays a sound and icon when Echoing Tyrstone is usable.
Sinclair's Windwalker Monk 10.0+
6 InstallsIts a simple tracker for WW who don't want a ton of garbage included with their WA. Tracks your mastery + last cast ability. Also tracks your Expel Harm and Flying Serpent Kick. Tracks Flowing...
Qyk's Brewmaster Defensives
72 InstallsSimple WeakAuras group to track Brewmaster defensive abilities. Shows cooldowns for Zen Meditation, Fortifying Brew, Celestial Brew, and cooldown + charge counter for Purifying Brew and Purified Chi. Still a work in progress!
Cooldowns on RaidFrames
15 InstallsShows the defensive cds that are active for each player in the raid frame.
Mistweaver Dynamic Cursor all-in-one
14 InstallsSimilar to my other dynamic mouse weakauras. This is currently for my custom build but has some flexibility into other talents. I will be updating more support as I experiment with talent choices in the...
VIGOR Trinket
77 InstallsTracks CD, Stacks, Debuff, and glows upon max stacks.
Jasna Brewmaster Monk
3 InstallsMain Brewmaster monk WA setup Special thanks to and , for their WAs, which I used as a basis for creating this interface.
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
63 InstallsInvoke Xuen, the White Tiger (aurabar) Shows a bar when you cast: Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger Bar disappears when the tiger is gone. Hope it helps. Kudos to Dat for needing :D
Hexagon Mistweawer Monk
46 InstallsRELEASE VERSION Hi there. I offer you my vision of a stylish, practical and minimalistic interface. With its help you can keep track of all cooldowns, auras and resources important for your specialization. Please note...
Void Elf Racials
76 InstallsThis is tracking the Void Elf racials "Spatial Rift" and "Entropic Embrace" durations.