World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
[LEGION] Keggernaut Brew Trackers 7.2.5 (read description)
26 Installs***IMPORTANT*** Updated for 7.2.5. There are 2 ISB trackers that you can choose from. One has ticks on the bar to indicate when it's safe to drink another ISB, and the other the same bar...
Chi Number
36 InstallsShow a number for how much chi you have
Gul'dan Energy Bar (Tank Resets)
36 InstallsTracks Gul'dans energy on a bar that goes red above ~30 (easily changeable) and plays a sound indicating for you to reset stacks.
Mistweaver Lysa
39 InstallsSimple weakaura for Mistweaver monks :)
Normalized Stagger
39 InstallsWritten by Rivers#8800.
Monk ww Keefer's Skyreach
32 InstallsDisplay on target Keefer's Skyreach with sound notification
Mythic Plus - Healer Self Auto Mark
0 InstallsAuto assign healer with mark.
Low Mana Announcement
42 InstallsThis is a very simple wa, create an alert chat (group, raid, instance) when a certain level of mana is reached (Mana 30%, Mana 15%, Mana 10%, Mana 9%, Mana 8%, Mana 7% , Mana...
Consumable tracking BfA 8.0.1
26 InstallsTracks the amount of flasks/pots/invis pots/speedpots/health pots and healthstones you have and their cds. v4 Cleaned up the code, and probably fixed a rare occuring bug. v2 Added the possibility to choose what is being...
Celestial Brew Total Absorb Bar
45 InstallsThe tan bar, depletes as the absorb is weakened. shows current value in the middle as well. The black timer bar is a seperate aura. CB Timer Bar: https://wago.io/717yJSIsW
Monk Windwalker - Radial Tracker - Symbols
30 InstallsSee https://wago.io/S1_lMo3_Q
Buff Tracker - Monk Brewmaster
30 InstallsVisual display of most buffs or target debuffs you should want to track. Also includes Basic ISB and Normalized Stagger auras. I play on a 32" monitor, so I would recommend adjusting the size according...
Hochlord Kruul Helper
39 InstallsOriginal von Ther: https://wago.io/KruulHelper auf Deutsch umgeschrieben und erweitert von Highlender-Blackhand. Zeigt dir Velens Leben, sowie das des aktuellen Bosses. Warnung wenn Velen wenig Leben hat. Zeigt Abklingzeit von Blutsauger, Vernichten und Verzerrte Reflexion. Zeigt...
Prime's Brewmaster
41 InstallsBasic brewmaster weakaura package, contains stagger, brew charges, timers, shuffle duration, rjw duration. Celestial Brew amount counter Stagger bar changes color with stagger amount.
Dragonflight: Trinkets
5 InstallsSimple tracker that shows both of your trinkets equipped, regardless if they have an on-use effect or not. As this tracks your equipped trinkets, it will show all trinkets instead of being limited to Dragonflight.
Monk - Brewmaster: Stagger Bar
44 InstallsTracks your stagger amount by percentage in a plain bar.
Specter of Betrayal
34 InstallsWeakAura for the Tomb of Sargeras trinket "Specter of Betrayal". Tracks the CD of the trinket. Shows up only if equipped and in combat. Desaturated on CD, grows in size when less than 7 seconds...
Stagger %
35 InstallsShows current stagger percent against physical (1st line) and magic (3rd line) damage for a target similar to the player level, and current percent against physical (2nd line) and magical (4th line) damage for current...
Kickerleets fistweaving ancient teachings
35 InstallsCDs and trackers for Ancient Teachings of the monastary -combat spells -essence font -atotm -totm stacks feel free to drop a comment
Monk - Stagger (With Sound on Heavy Stagger)
41 InstallsBased off Sco's Stagger, added sound que for heavy stagger Be sure to delete the Monk - Stagger WA if you have it in your ui