World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
T27 10 Denathrius Impale + Wracking Pain BOP Glow
124 Installsglows players raidframes that will get one shot from impale because they got hit by wracking pain so you can bop them and prevent them from dying :)
Таймер боя / Героизм / Батл рес
58 InstallsПоказывает информацию о том, сколько осталось БРов, а также сколько осталось времени до очередного БЛа. Также показывает время текущего боя (сколько ты находишься в бою в данный момент с тем или иным боссом или мобом).
Seismic Upheaval but Councilified
161 InstallsCouncil arrows + "left" and "right" council audio.
Denathrius Puddle
146 InstallsMakes a lightsaber noise every time that you need to move for the puddles that spawn under you.
Castle Nathria - Vindicatum Pack
157 InstallsOverall pack for Season 4 Fated Castle Nathria Baroness Frieda/Baleful Shadow Interrupt Order startLine {Mark} Name1 Name2 Name3 endLine Stone Legion Generals Soak Main start Name1 Name2 Name3 backup Name1 Name2 Name3 end
Consumables Missing SL Version
219 InstallsShows missing Consumables: Desaturated if missing remaining duration and icon if <10m Augment and Vantus Rune are loaded in mythic raids only Everything else is also loaded in dungeons / nhc and hc raids
Gluttonous Miasma Chat Announcer Edited
134 InstallsEdited version of Causese's to include Volatile Ejection into the yell.
Cast Defensive on HeartHemorrhage
153 InstallsBased on Modified to tell you to use a defensive when Heart Rend has been dispelled and Heart Hemorrhage has been applied.
Simple Dark Recital WA
160 InstallsRed Arrow (<<) when you have the debuff Green Arrow (>>) when you dont.
Blood Council Shield up
158 InstallsShowing you, if one Member of the Council is shielded and immun by the Attendant
Sludgefist: Special Link Partner
121 InstallsShows a description when linked to certain players on Sludgefist. Those players and the description when linked to each of those players is configurable in "Custom Options". This is useful when your fight strategy involves...
10 Blood Price PRE
161 InstallsReminder to use defensive cooldowns in time before Blood Price.
Hungering Destroyer - Essence Sap Party Stacks
137 InstallsTweak of Venocx WA. Original: Shows stacks of "Essence Sap" on your party members.
Shark's Dutiful Attendant
154 Installs-5 sec Dutiful Attendant timer -Bell alert on show, add alert on cast success -Crosshairs on Dutiful Attendant Nameplate
Hungering Destroyer: Gluttonous Miasma Targets
116 InstallsDarkens the unit frame for units afflicted by Gluttonous Miasma and shows the remaining duration of Gluttonous Miasma on them so that you don't accidentally heal them. When Gluttonous Miasma is about to fall off,...
Soul Infusion/Drained Soul Focus Tracker
112 InstallsTracks your focus target's Soul Infusion channel and the remaining duration of their Drained Soul Stacks.
Denathrius Crimson Cabalist Tracker
126 InstallsAdds a progress bar for each wave of Crimson Cabalist adds. Whenever an add dies the progress bar depletes to show you how many adds are left in each wave. Deals with overlapping waves and...
Kauda Essence Sap Helper
129 InstallsDerives heavily from with some minor modifications. This WA helps remind players that they have no Essence Sap stacks and are available to soak. As their stacks rise, a circular debuff timer appears and...
나스 7넴 - 혈기의 의회
133 Installs한글화 및 추가작업 (아즈샤라 - Desrun) 12/24 암흑의 발표회 이동방향 화살표 추가 주의 : 공대마다 택틱이 다르므로 확인/수정 하시기 바랍니다.
Raid Utility
500 InstallsRaid Utility Weakaura, announces when someone in raid drops: - Cauldrons (Potion Cauldron of Power, Potion Cauldron of Ultimate Power) - Feast (Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak) - Soulwell - Jeeves, Auto-hammer