World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Sire Denathrius - Cleansing Pain bar
65 InstallsShows a basic bar before Cleansing Pain cast
GL Specific Sinseeker target
61 InstallsAdds glow to the player in the raid affected by sinseeker AND a specific raid marker (see custom options). By default BigWigs marks affected sinseeker targets with star, circle and diamond in that order. Custom...
Hungering Destroyer - Gluttonous Miasma leech count announcer
66 InstallsSimple WeakAura to announce whenever you have Gluttonous Miasma leech aura and you don't have enough leechers to heal up.
ZlicckUI - Utility (All Classes)
74 InstallsUI scale: 0.7 Resolution: 2560x1440 you migth have to do some changes for it to fit your own preferance. u should use the buff weakaura together with the class WA package (some buffs are tracked...
Mythic Bars - Shriekwing
53 InstallsContains: Bait & move ---> based on Limit strategy Earsplitting Shriek cast (for p1 and interrmision)
Пригвождение Алё
75 InstallsКуда бежать с пригвождением?
T27: 5 Artificer Xy'mox N/H/Mythic CustomSounds
60 InstallsTHESE ARE OUT OF DATE ** NEW AURAS HERE ** REQUIRED ADDON; ADDON FOR CUSTOM SOUNDS (MINE); If you enjoy these, consider supporting my channel over at with a sub :)
Rubb's RaidWA | Castle Nathria > Artificer Xy'mox @Annihilate | RUN AWAY + PORTAL NOW Bar
60 InstallsWarn-Message with Sound to know when to move to Portal. Place Portal @~45% Boss-HP in the middle of the Room. This WA tells you to tun away and when to go into the Portal at...
03 파괴자 - 독기 1조, 2조
69 Installs독기 흡수 조
Seriously Stone Legion Generals Mythic
64 InstallsNOTE THESE ARE NOT ALL MY WAs. Simple WAs to help with this fight!
T27: The Blood Council - Afterimage of Baroness Frieda cast
69 InstallsBig text in the middle when Afterimage of Baroness Frieda is up plus Airhorn when she is actually casting.
Potion Maybe?
61 InstallsThis weakaura will passive aggressively suggest that you use a healthstone, kyrian phial, or potion if you're below 50% hp. For members of your raid that don't remember to use them.
Bloodlight Raid Frames
55 InstallsShould show Bloodlight icon on raid frames if the player is in range of Bloodlight.
Castle Nathria - Burst healing timers
227 InstallsHere is a tweak of Buds fabulous WA designed for disc priest spirit shell build. Other specs might work aswell but i've got no way to verify it. I've tried to make the disc burst...
Tank & Off-tank Debuff Tracker (Focus)
116 InstallsTracks your stacks/duration of a given debuff, next to those of your focus target. Intended for tanks who need an overview of the debuffs on them/their off-tank. Change the name of the debuff to track...
Paladin Aura Missing
281 InstallsPopup if you're missing any type of aura (any content)
Sun King's Salvation GS
58 Installsicon showing if Kael'thas Sunstrider is buffed with Guardian Spirit
Второстепенные статы
72 InstallsПоказывает второстепенные статы в реальном времени. Весьма необходимая информация. Ничего лишнего.
52 InstallsPlays parts of "Endor - Pump It Up" when you gain stacks of Fancy Footwork on the Council of Blood fight. Download the following folder and place it in "..\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface" (see screenshot) Download...
Dark Recital Direction Arrow
67 Installsnow you better not fucking die to this mechanic