World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Council Dance Prediction!
45 InstallsShows four buttons during the Dance Macabre phase that let you guess which way you're dancing next. The person(s) that got the most correct guesses are announced after every phase!
Fated Affixes - Bars
96 InstallsSome triggers taken from Publik's WA's located at: Trigger that doesn't require DBM/BW for the Friendly Mote Click taken from Davi0n's WA @:
MM Destroyer Soak Organizer
42 InstallsWill organize soaking groups based on available people and their situation in regards to miasma and stacks. Soaks more often based on being the first of each group. So organize immunities to be on first...
Debuff Frame Glow
51 InstallsRaid frame glow for each dispellable thing in Castle Nathria. (2 Magic effects and 1 Curse effect) Magic effects glow Blue Curse effects glow Purple
Cleansing Pain Assignments
54 InstallsModified version of to support alternative Sire Denathrius Mythic P1 strats. Additionally runs checks for Burden of Sin before assigning soaks, a feature not present in the original.
ZlicckUI - Trinket+racial
56 InstallsUI scale: 0.7 Resolution: 2560x1440 you migth have to do some changes for it to fit your own preferance. u should use the buff weakaura together with the class WA package (some buffs are tracked...
Seriously Sludgefist Mythic
49 InstallsNOTE THESE ARE NOT ALL MY WAs. Simple WAs to help with this fight!
Riptide Counter
184 InstallsAdded this weakaura functionality to my Restoration Shaman suite located here - Riptide counter to help with the Necrolord Covenant Ability - Primordial Wave. Text added to display shortest duration
3. Nathria self debuffs
43 InstallsSet of tank weakauras for Castle Nathria showing debuffs on the player, some of them giving sound warnings when to taunt or move Show stacks in the top edge of the icon, the name of...
Reverse Dark Recital Direction Arrow
45 InstallsThe Original: (but just reversed) green = no recital (move right) red = recital (move left)
Closest Gluttonous Miasma Player Health
45 InstallsDisplays the health of the nearest player debuffed by Gluttonous Miasma.
[9.0] 纳斯利亚堡 - 各种点名提醒与表扬
83 Installs[9.0] 纳斯利亚堡 - 各种点名提醒与表扬 喊话可以自己更改。 目前的中技能判断是通过技能 ID,有些是先点名再中技能的我尽量从 wowhead 找到了点名本身这个技能,但不确定对不对。之后用一段时间可能会再改。 可以用及功能正常的我都标记了确信可用,其它就要等待公会活动时测试。 包含内容如下: 1 号蝙蝠:中横扫大喊表扬 [确信可用] 1 号蝙蝠:中回音大喊表扬 [确信可用] 2 号猎人与狗:大喊被狗咬的目标需要分摊 3 号凯子:大喊被点名火柱的需要分摊 3 号凯子:大喊被鸟追的需要跑路 4 号传送门:聊天框架输出放门的人,捉毒瘤用 5 号毁灭者:聊天框架输出被点喷发的人,捉毒瘤用 6 号女勋爵:感觉没什么特别的,没做 7 号跳舞:同 6 号 8 号泥拳:中冲锋大喊表扬...
Raidbuffs - Food/Flask/Rune 9.0.2
177 InstallsThis weak aura shows you your missing buffs. - food - Flask - Rune This works only when you are in a group or raid.
!Шмун анонсы(Иконки)
2 InstallsВерсия текстом -
Sum/HS/Cauldron/Feast/Table/Jeeves/Hammer Announcer
139 InstallsShows the Icons for 5s after someone used any of the above spells
Stasis Trap
42 InstallsAnnounces in /s if you are trapped by a stasis trap during the Heroic Artificer Xy'Mox encounter in Castle Nathria.
Замок Нафрия. Русская версия
72 InstallsРусская версия ВАшки от Causese Обновляться скорее всего не будет
All versions of Lust Timer
127 InstallsMoveable Visual Lust timer I also have a Minimal ELVUI profile look below <3 Included *Toggle minimap. *Hover over abilites, Hidden abilities. *Hidden raidframes when not in combat. *ability to hide chat. *Personnel Health...
Castle Nathria - Denathrius Solo Soak Announcer
47 InstallsVery simply announces when you've cast an immunity, thus plan to soak Night Hunter on your own.
Замок Нафрия - прогресс бары
42 InstallsПеревод этой ВА . Для отображения таких же шрифтов в ВАшках: 1. Скачать архив: 2. Распаковать архив (там 2 папки) в :\World of Warcraft \ _retail_\ Interface\AddOns