World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
0 Installs炽热防御者持续时间提醒,当炽热防御者消失时会变色,提示炽热防御者结束
0 Installs没有站在奉献里时,出现图标提示补奉献,奉献小于4秒时也会提示图标。默认设置仅团本及5人本可用。
Modified Kuripala Weakauras - Divenire
0 InstallsThese were originally created by Kuri of Method, and I've slowly reiterated and built upon them since I first saw them in his vods. Note -- to import the 'active' buffs for these weakauras, you...
Custom Netherwalk Sound - You Can't Kill Me!
0 InstallsDownload CustomSounds.rar from Google Drive. Extract it into your World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns file. If you want to use it on other immunity abilities, pls change the spell ID in the WeakAura>Trigger 1>Exact Spell ID(s).
SMI Active
0 InstallsAnnounces when Shadowmoon Insignia is used
Healing Consumes
0 InstallsThis is a weak aura for the raid consumes you use and are present in your bags: This is character Specific so for it to work for your toon please do the below steps :...
Black Temple Raid Frames Glow
0 InstallsThis aura will cause your raid frames to glow when a member of your raid team has a debuff that can be dispelled.
Skinpu's Retri/prot Pala Pack
0 InstallsThese are my Weakauras for Retribution and Protection Paladin Link for Elvui: Large update: big overhaul on size and position, some icons been changed, merged with my prot pack which has also received a...
Legendary Audit
0 InstallsWarns if you don't have a Unity legendary equipped. Set up to warn if you don't have a specific legendary equipped for a specific class+spec. For example, I have it set up to warn if...
Universal Aura Bar
0 InstallsAuras for many classes and trinkets. If you need some added, let me know and I'll update the aura.
DefCooldowns [DE]
0 InstallsRaid/Persönliche Def Cooldown Es werden alle Raid Cooldowns als Schild angezeigt, mit dem % Wert wie viel sie schützen, außerdem werden für Tanks jeder externe Def Cooldowns um Spieler herum angezeigt.
Golluméo - Buffs
0 InstallsThis set goes along my other classes WA. Kinda mandatory if you're looking to get my UI installed :p
0 InstallsPower bar group for my UI.
Healer Left Icons
0 InstallsDoesn't include Mistweaver yet.
Main Bar 2
0 InstallsWeakauras for all healing specs and associated dps specs. Resto shaman is the most polished because it's my main. Download all of the parts below or it won't function: Main Bar 1: Main Bar...
SirEdvin || Frame CD indicators v1.0
0 InstallsЭта коллекция WA будет отображать значительную часть различных сейвов и бурстов на фреймах (причем не только ваших) для понимания ситуации в инсте или рейде. Сделана для того, что бы каждый раз не конфигурить фреймы заново
GlowFrames Varimathras Misery debuff
0 InstallsGlowOnDemand weakaura by @Asakawa
0 InstallsCreated by Dupont#11511
0 InstallsAn extremely simple Weakaura that shows your "Crushability" rating. This is based off of a macro used in the past to hit the "Crush cap" for certain things such as Illidan's Shear mechanic.
Simple WindFury (enchant)
0 InstallsSimple Windfury indicator Red edge when left 5sec Turn icon Red when no weapon enchant