World of Warcraft
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5.9k InstallsTBC-P3阶段-黑庙副本技能监控WA字符串 制作者→梦幻俏俏-法师-<相逢>-部落-希尔盖← 未经许可,本WA字符串禁止转载/分享! 本WA字符串禁止任何公众号/小程序转载或使用! 本WA字符串禁止 露露缇娅-维克尼拉斯 转载或使用! 备战WLK,诚邀魔兽怀旧服插件及WA爱好者加入"WOW怀旧服插件WA交流QQ群” TBC-群号:718174332 进群口令:插件WA交流(已满隐藏) WLK-群号: 218619002 进群口令:插件WA交流 本群组已经momo大佬授权,从0.7版本开始整合他的部分作品: TBC-P3-黑庙-WA高亮说明 1号-高阶督军纳因图斯 红色高亮——中穿刺之脊的玩家 黄色高亮——破盾之前血量低于8500的玩家,如果没有黄色高亮可以破盾 2号-苏普雷姆斯 橙色高亮——受到火山伤害的玩家 4号-塔隆·血魔 红色高亮——中死亡之影的玩家,术士绑灵魂石 黄色高亮——中烧尽的玩家,及时驱散 5号-血沸 黄色高亮——最新的一轮5位吃血沸的玩家,上一轮吃到血沸的会消失 红色高亮——血沸吃到两层或以上的玩家 绿色高亮——被点名邪能狂怒(变身的)的玩家 6号-灵魂之匣 红色高亮——P1阶段被注视的玩家,牧师套盾 红色高亮——P3阶段中敌意的玩家,注意加血 7号-莎赫拉丝主母 红色高亮——中连线的玩家 8号-伊利达雷议会 红色高亮——盗贼BOSS当前非T目标玩家(如果目标是T不会高亮) 绿色高亮——中毒的玩家...
神聖小喵 BCC T6 战坦 盾反助手
1.2k Installs功能 为战斗在T6的战坦们提供法术反射时机的提示 衰减 (灵魂之匣):DBM冷却倒数3秒时开始提示 审判 (伊利达雷议会):骑士怪开始读条审判时提示
神聖小喵 BT RoS Interrupt Turns BCC黑庙 三脸 打断提示
509 Installs功能 当三脸进入P2后,提示下一棒是几断(默认2组打断) 团长需要提前分配好2组10秒CD的打断组
Jeyp's BT WA
291 InstallsA set of WA for BT : - Trashs : Audio warning when Priestess of Torment casts a Shell of Pain while you are in melee - Trashs : Glow on target of L5 Arcane...
RoS Interrupt
99 InstallsThis is a modified version of KT Interrupt for Reliquary of Souls, it has 3 groups of kicks, playing a quick sound so you don't kick deaden, and a change of color to make it...
89 InstallsReminder not to kill yourself when Essence of Desire has Deaden.
65 Installs从进入三脸战斗开始统计玩家法术所能造成的最大伤害 当进入反伤阶段后,根据易伤情况,计算下一个法术会不会反死自己 注:需要修改玩家自己的暴击系数(默认 2)
BT Raid Frame Glow Trackers
370 InstallsRaid frame glow for certain abilities by bosses in Black Temple that require focused healing/dispelling. Should work with all raid frames including Blizzard and ElvUI. Color for the glow can be changed under Actions ->...
Zulgin - Ready Check Buff Check
240 InstallsChecks what buffs you got/miss, plus timer, when a ready check is going. If you use flask then the Battle/Guardian Elixir aruas wont show. Made by Zulgin @Nethergarde Keep EU
Kick Order
24 InstallsKick Groups for RoL. Command is !kick playername, Command to hide is !unkick.
Reliquary - Deaden
31 InstallsAlerts when Reliquary is debuffed with Deaden, from being spell reflected by your warrior tank. You need to be careful with your DPS when this debuff is up because it will increase the damage you...
Black Temple - Tank Alerts
114 InstallsSome alerts for TBC - Black Temple. Currently works with: - Reliquary of Souls: Deaden - Illidari Council: -- Lady Malande: Circle of Healing -- Gathios the Shatterer: Judgement (only if Seal of Command is...
Soul Fragments Respawn Timer
23 InstallsWhenever a soul fragment is killed, a respawn timer of 30 seconds starts Check out my BT and Mount Hyjal Pack here:
Deaden on RoS
17 InstallsPlays a sound, puts in /y that deaden is up on RoS so that your caster dps doesn't kill themselves.
ARP Calculator
53 Installstop row is the boss armor second row is armor calculated by raidcomp third row is armor calculated with raidcomp and your gear + proccs like executioner and trinkets (this one is more to not...
BT Backlash Announcers
11 InstallsAnnounces players in raid chat who are killing themselves with reflected damage from Reflective Shield, Shell of Pain, and Aura of Desire. This doesn't work as expected. It spams the raid. Do not use.
Interrupt Rotation - Reliquary
10 InstallsHelps manage the interrupt rotation for Essence of Desire See also: Dispel Target - Rune Shield (Reliquary) Inspired by: Interupt Rotation Features: - Customizable number of groups/players in the interrupt rotation - Can be used...
31 Installs1、打开DBM 三脸盾的计时条 2、听到喵叫或者出现偷字时无限按法术偷取
BT Reliquary Tanking P3
27 InstallsProvides a progress bar for Soul Scream after first use, and auto attacks for rage/mana management
Missing Elixir of Demonslaying
26 InstallsShows you when you're targetting a demon boss if you're missing Elixir of Demonslaying