World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
Wailing Arrow
564 InstallsWailing Arrow CD tracker for the Legendary Hunter bow Rae'Shalare, Death's Whisper. With CD Timer, De-saturation on CD, Glow Indicator when off CD, alpha when ooc.
Kaystrax Spread Guardian Group with Text
140 InstallsAuto assign Spread Weakaura
Soulrender Active Chainsets
159 InstallsTracks each chainset on Soulrender. Once a chain has been picked up it will count down the remaining chain breaks, i.e. "Remaining Chains: 3". It also tracks the name of the characters that are currently...
SoD 06 Hammer/Scythe Spike Wave Warning Bar
180 InstallsSimple Progress Bar warning weak aura for Hammer and Scythe Spike waves. 15 second timer upon cast finish. Without Shadowsteel Chains it will warn with sound and glow at 7 seconds remaining. With Shadowsteel Chains...
Soulrender gtfo brands
157 InstallsThis WeakAura shows a little "FUCK OFF" when standing in brand of torment (except when the brand is stuck to us) or a big "FUCK OFF NOW!" when we stand in 2 brands at the...
Meow at Chains
172 InstallsMeows -softly- and shows an icon when you have Shadowsteel Chains during Painsmith Raznal, so get out. Painsmith Raznal Shadowsteel Chains
Co Tank Frame (Bensmonk)
480 Installsmodified version of Litepac's Meeres Cotank frame WA (available here configured for use with Naowh font, may look different if you don't have it installed Used to automatically track cotanks health bar, debuffs in...
可點擊的戰鬥buff消耗品(精煉、符文、護甲片、磨刀油、食物、公爵茶)_Clickable Consumables
357 Installs精煉、符文、護甲片、磨刀油、食物、公爵茶…等監控 點擊圖標可自動補充缺少buff 各職業專精如想修改吃的食物種類,可以去"載入"修改相關食物. 2022.11.3 -新增幽影平衡石 2022.10.28 -修正10.0點擊失效問題 2022.9.4 -新增盛宴、石頭湯空壺 2022.4.21 -修正增強符文在有永恆增強符文也會提示的問題 2022.4.20 -新增永恆增強符文 -修正非梵希爾族也會提醒喝茶的BUG 原作者 -中文化 -中文buff BUG修正 -介面修改 -新增公爵茶監控 -新增剩餘10分鐘以下提示 -修正公爵茶不正常顯示 -修正誤觸發武器技能的問題
Sylvanas - Banshee Shroud Immunity
179 InstallsSimple text showing Immune! when Banshee Shroud is active.
SOD - 02 - Missery Announcer
130 InstallsAnnounce in /s when you get Spreading Misery, does a 5s countdown.
Guardian of the First Ones Threat Neutralization
130 InstallsA Weakaura to tell players where to go with the debuff based on their mark given by DBM/Bigwigs
Banshee's Fury OMG DISPEL
158 InstallsPlays an air horn and places text "BANSHEE'S FURY OMG DISPEL" as soon as Banshee's Fury starts casting in Phase 3, to remind you to dispel before it finishes.
Spell Reflect Essentials updated
774 InstallsOriginal WA: Tells you when to reflect in SL dungeons. Triggers only when a spell is targeting you. Reflect guide: (courtesy of Sense) ATTENTION: Before the WA gets too big and too confusing,...
131 Installs根据DBM计时条制作的图标和文字提醒,必须有DBM才能使用。RL向工具,比DBM原始计时条更直观。 目前某些boss技能不准是因为DBM本身的原因,后期更新后应该会更好用。 文字说明可按自己团队战术和习惯自行修改。 模版基于Silen°Ce。风殇@NGA之前的版本,感谢。
Who Died Alert
309 InstallsThis weakaura will display you quickly who died and which role he is playing and anyone who get a battle res ! For the next version: - Include which spell killed the player (ETA 11.0)
Better R.IO ( improved
335 Installsv1.0.0 custom options "Short score form" and "Score format" are now working properly AddOn is required for this Weakaura to work 0 as score means that player has no current progres, "-" means that...
!Internet Friends - Sanctum of Domination
142 InstallsAssignments: Interrupt rotation on KT - from this weakaura Soulrender chains - from this weakaura Fatescribe runes - from this weakaura Causese is so great :D The dependencies don't matter. - Atrocity...
Meow at Obliterate
119 InstallsJust a basic bar shows up and says 'S O A K' when Guardian cast Obliterate. Displays every Obliterate cast. No sounds. Very basic. So you need to know your own soak rotation/group.
T28: Painsmith Raznal (Spiked Ball)
139 InstallsHighlights the middle Spiked Ball, changeable in Custom Options. Allows to mark the selected Spiked ball with a raid mark as Raid lead or Assist. You can change the look and feel of the border...
Meow at Shackles
118 InstallsShows only when you have the shackles/chains. Cat stares into your soul until you break the chain. Soulrender Dormazain Warmonger Shackles Unleashed Tyranny