World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
命定監控_Fated Infusion
125 Installs-更新精華啟動喊話 -修正希瓦換場不顯示問題 -更新雙詞墜共同顯示
Korthia Rare LFG
200 InstallsFork of made with a Blizzard-like look in mind
Seriously Sylvanas Mythic Phase 3 Prompts
107 InstallsPrompts for our Sylvanas phase 3 progress. Based on Loot FTW WA!
Sylvanas Phasing P1
115 InstallsShows Sylvanas health percentage from 84.6 to 84 to help with phasing
Wipe Count for Raids
127 InstallsWeakaura for Raid Progression. Shows you all your wipes on specific bosses and best Try information. Perfect if you just want to see how your progress is going or if you're a streamer you can...
Sylvanas P1 Chains
113 InstallsTells you whether you should clear your Barbed Arrow debuff when Arrows of Domination spawn in P1 Sylvanas Each non intermission set of Domination Arrows has 8 chances to clear; the WA defaults to picking...
Kel'Thuzad Health Threshold %
98 InstallsShows the health % on the phylactery for intermission to help make it more visible and clear when the team inside gets close to transition. It goes down to 0% when the phase transitions.
Mythic painsmith gateway timer by Ascu
99 InstallsAn altered version of Sbare's Gateway timer. ( It now uses custom sounds. Incl. a proper countdown to use the gate, and a Verbal warning to set the gate to focus. This altered version needs...
Raid | Shadowlands | Affixes - 1440p
660 InstallsThis pack consists of Bars, Icons, and Glows, for everything Fated in the Raids.
Kel'Thuzad - Intermission Add Respawn Timer
91 InstallsA simple weakaura group that contains bars indicating when the intermission adds on KT will respawn.
Reminder to change domination shards in dungeons - Chaos Bane
242 InstallsThis weakaura will show an icon in the middle of your screen reminding you to change your Domination Shards if you enter a dungeon using any of the non-dps shards. With the 3 sets not...
07 Threat Neutralization Cast Stack
83 InstallsStack to make spreading with debuffs easier :)
Spell Reflection Tracker 9.2.5 - Season 4 Fated
469 InstallsVersion 1.0 Taken from original author The FULL list of spells can be found here: This WeakAura tracks incoming Reflectable spell casts and displays progress bars for each one. Only certain pre-defined spells...
Chaos Bane
873 InstallsSet of Unholy Domination gem's effect Chaos Bane
Domination Shards
255 InstallsDisplays socketed domination shards and their rank There are custom options, make sure to look at those, too 🙃
Saad Disc Priest Ramp Sanctum of Domination ( SoD )
421 InstallsUpdated : Added all separate DBM Timers no need to edit anymore Fixed Guardian Power % based timers to ramp for purging protocol Fixed Soulrender timers with dbm ***My guild is extending for mythic sylvanas...
Mythic Boss Pull Count
176 InstallsA pull counter to track the number of pulls of mythic raid bosses. This also displays the number of kills or the best pull (percentage and time) if no kills have been found. Note: Uses...
Seriously Kel'Thuzad Mythic
95 InstallsTHESE ARE NOT ALL MY WAs! It's just a compilation to get people started on this fight.
Remnant DPS Warning
95 InstallsShows a "KILL ORBS" when the boss is nearing the 30% phase push, as to avoid overlapping Bombs with Shatter and to make sure Orbs are dead going into the transition.
Soulrender Dance Broadcaster
93 InstallsBased on Soulrender Dance Helper by Arrg Complement of This weakaura will show 5 buttons during your Soulrender fight. When you press one, it will mark it as a safe spot and will...