World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
Jotungeirr, Destiny's Call (weapon)
24 InstallsJust a quick aura I threw together to dispay jotungeirr CD
Spreading Misery Tracker [Raid Leader}
9 InstallsThis weak aura tracks who has Spreading Misery for the Eye of The Jailer encounter. It will list everyone's name with the debuff so the raid leader can call who needs to run to the...
Kel'Thuzad Interrupt Anchoring (Reworked)(1-5 strat)
12 InstallsThis will highlight all adds that can be interrupted in the Kel'Thuzad fight. Ignores the MRT note settings. Original WA:
Domination Shard Item Overlay
18 InstallsThe weakaura adds a small indicator for the items that contain a domination socket to easier locate them in your bags or equipment. (Default blizzard bag support only) This weakaura is inspired heavily from Legendary...
. Season 4 - Dispel Aura - Creation Spark
20 InstallsThis WA will show the list of Creation Spark debuff's that have to be dispelled. Useful as it shows player name as well as the time left before it falls off.
10 Sylvanas - Zeal Pack
12 InstallsMostly a copy from Sylvanas Echoes Pack with a few changes and additional auras.
Soul Reaver - Banshee's Cry (Kel'Thuzad) - Custom Start/End
11 InstallsFork of's Banshee's Cry WA that makes Banshee kicks start/end with startBanshee endBanshee
Painsmith Raznal - p2 &3 stay close
11 Installsa warning to stay close to the line of balls
Legendary Reminder
18 InstallsThis weakaura reminds you on every ReadyCheck to Check your LEGENDARY!
Raid T28 03 Fragment Position
10 InstallsBig Text for the Position of the Fragment Debuffs…
Sylvannas P2 Gateway Reminder
11 Installsshowing a reminder if the WL castet /created a WL gateway in slyvanas mythic p2 only [weakaura was created before the "Gateway Control Shard" was available]
T28 Soulrender Shackle - Healer Info
9 InstallsShows the min-health of the raid when anyone is holding a Warmonger Shackle. Color coded (red = someone will probably die, yellow = someone might get comboed, green = probably safe to pop the shackle).
Shadowed Orb of Torment
28 InstallsSimple Weakaura to track the Cast and Buff Duration
Big Pull - Roh Kalo
10 InstallsCompact of multiple WA used for Roh Kalo
11 Installsp2 詛咒 + p3 女妖災禍
11 InstallsPlaces markers over the nameplates for the Sylvanas adds Goliath, Souljudge, and Summoner during P2.
27.07 Threat Neutralization on You
9 InstallsSimple audible alert for Threat Neutralization.
rend bar
29 Installssimple rend bar
自動切換拾取專精(Set LootSpecialization Automatically) - 統御聖所(Sanctum of Domination)
25 Installs自動切換拾取專精(Set LootSpecialization Automatically) 統御聖所版本(Sanctum of Domination) 於首領戰中自動切換事先設定好的拾取專精,媽媽再也不用擔心我忘記切拾取了。 選擇你的職業並設定每隻王的拾取專精 (預設0為當前專精,選錯職業也會設為當前專精) Select your Class and Set Loot Specialization "0" receives loot based on current specialization.
Preciso ficar vivo no Painsmith?
9 InstallsA aura vai avisar ao player se este deve usar Pot, Healthstone, Phial ou Defensivo para sobreviver à explosão do Tank (Hammer e Scythe). Só funciona na P2 e P3. Na P2 a aura só...