World of Warcraft
13,243 Mods
6 InstallsPlays a Warning Siren and displays "RAZE, GTFO" when Sylvanas casts Raze in P3
Sylv {P2} Fury Stacks - Goliath (nameplate anchor)
6 InstallsWill not overlap kill priority numbers offset to left of nameplate Shows fury stacks on goliath in p2 for dps/healer taunt to reset them for your tank
H/M Sylv - Banshee Puddle Under You
6 Installsscreams at you if you've just been dispelled and gives a bar that tells you how long you have to move before you will get the banshees bane reapplication. Useful for tanks to get dispelled...
Titanic Death Glaze - Tracker
5 InstallsThis "WA" will appear in the Jailer's Eye fight, when the boss will cast Titanic Death Gaze. It's important for healers to burst at the right time, and DPS to use defensive! OBS: The message...
5 InstallsWA for Mythic Soulrender - Combined from several other weak auras and tweaked
Pescorus Runic Affinity (group) (NO TANKS)
5 InstallsA fork of Naemesis's WA. Removed tank priority on runes during intermission.
Sylvanas attribution de chaînes
5 InstallsAttribution des chaînes sur Sylvanas Mythique. Prend en prio les joueurs avec le plus de stacks en ignorant les tanks et les kyrians avec la popo de dispo. Version Fr de
SRT - SoD - Sylvanas - Banshee's Mark Taunt Swap
5 InstallsTracks the number of Banshee's Mark stacks on your focus and tells you when it's safe to taunt.
SRT - Pull Timer - CD Reminder
4 InstallsSends a message to the raid if a pull timer starts and your major cooldowns won't be ready. To set up, navigate to custom options, click the green + icon, and add the name of...
27.07 Disintegration
4 InstallsSimple audible alert for Disintegration.
Change Talents
6 InstallsUploaded this weakaura for a friend. Prompts a big white message to remind you to check talents, check which legendary you are using, and use consumables whenever you get a summon.
KT Remnant Health Normalized fix
4 Installscredits for the fix go the comment on by Mellowmarrow
(SOD) Raznal - Traps
4 InstallsIf you are the lucky one to do the traps while fighting against Raznal. This might help. Just a simple red bar which turns green after you can trigger the next trap Trap is triggered...
4 InstallsModified version of
統御邪套裝混沌災厄團隊預測監控_Shards of Domination set bonuses Chaos Bane Time estimate (Raid Ver)
6 Installs幫助監控全團邪套裝buff層數,判斷最適合開英勇的時間。
로칼로 신화 - 123페동일
4 Installs2개씩 깔아야 정상동작 추후 공장이 3페에서 룬 선택하는 위크오라 사용시 : 1. 본 위크오라 대신 이것 2. 아래 위크오라 123페 모두 1명식 할당하는 식 (공장이 3페 룬 미선택시) : 1. 본 위크오라 2....
Wolper - RCB - Raid Consumes
6 InstallsNever forget you raid consumables
Auto Pull
6 InstallsDisplays a button to initiate a pull timer after a ready check has been completed - customize pull timer in custom options - left click starts pull timer - right click hides button - desaturates...
T28:01 Terrague Predator's Howl Announcer (FEAR)
1 InstallsChat Announcer "FEAR" when affected by "Predator's Howl" debuff (id: 347283)
Sanctum of Domination Wa's by Dart
5 InstallsMy weakauras that I make for myself/guild with mechanics for Sanctum of domination I will keep updating this as we get further into Sanctum Not all weakaura's are made by myself, all the ones taken...