World of Warcraft
13,714 Mods
[고고학]#Restoring Tracker CUSTOM (복원횟수 추적기)
0 InstallsIt tracks how many restoring artifacts. You can only display the races you want to see by checking in the custom setting options. or use macro script. 복원 횟수를 추적해줍니다. 사용자 설정 옵션에서 체크하여 보고싶은...
Fishing Pole Combat Detector
7 InstallsA simple WeakAura to detect when you have a Fishing Pole equipped while in combat
BFA Farmable Profession Mats
3 InstallsSingle aura to tell you how many BFA crafting mats you have. Counts ones in bag and bank. Includes Herbalism flowers Mining Ores Mechagon materials with empty and full energy cells. Does NOT include :...
4 InstallsTells you have you have an Unconscious Dig Rat in your bags or bank when in the barrens farming them
Fevka Dh Hud
2 InstallsFevka Dh Hud Fevka DH Hud Active BUff System : https://wago.io/ZzJCZwkTE IMPORTANT NOTE: This pack uses some fonts and textures from ElvUI, AddonSkins (ElvUI addon), and Details! Damage Meter.
MTSC Shadowlands
5 InstallsCurrent Version: 1.0.3 Information: I'm not really good in writing in LUA so the Code could probably be better and more optimized. This Weakaura is to show you the needed Materials to Craft some Food,...
War Effort Copy Button
6 InstallsWar Effort Copy Button What does it do? Simply a WeakAura that creates a 'copy' button at the top of the quest frame for the daily Arathi warfront hand-ins. Useful if you need to go...
Buy Pots / Food / Flask reminder
6 InstallsBasically what this does is remind you to buy pots / food / flasks whenever you are in Dalaran / Stormwind. I was too lazy to include every class hall, but you can easily include...
4 InstallsA list of primary crafting reagents from Mists of Pandaria Ghost Iron Ore (icon) Kyparite (icon) Black Trillium Ore (icon) White Trillium Ore (icon) Green Tea Leaf (icon) Rain Poppy (icon) Silkweed (icon) Desecrated Herb...
Fishing: Action Lures Warning!
4 InstallsWrites a chat message whenever you get a special legion fishing item / lure. Includes: Sleeping Murloc (Suramar ) Ancient Vrykul Ring (Stormheim) Rusty Queenfish Brooch (Azsuna) Stunned, Angry Shark (The Great Sea / Ocean)
Vaccabuddy 5000
0 InstallsLets you and your friends know if you have entered an encounter while wearing Nat's Hat
8.2 채집 채광
3 InstallsMade By 토실배추-아즈샤라
Otto Fish Farming
4 InstallsThis is a WeakAura to help keep track of the number of each type of fish needed to fill Otto's fish barrel! There is another WA in the screenshot, but all that this one entails...
Loot Style
3 InstallsText aura that shows current loot setting. Only loads if you have a dungeon role assigned, therefore are in a group.
Standing on it.
5 InstallsShows a icon and makes a sound when you standing on the artifact.
材料包整理修改optimize reagent bag sorting
3 Installs现在不需要这个wa了,bug已经被修复 the reagent bag sort bug has been fixed, this wa is no longer needed. ----------------previous content----------- 导入wa后,原生背包的整理按钮功能会被替换成先把材料放入材料包,然后又从右到左整理主背包物品 使用这个wa后会将整理顺序设定为从右到左 After importing this WA, the default bagsort button will be replaced with new function that putting...
Points of interest: Ironforge
5 InstallsPoints of interest labeled on the world map to find NPCs easier.
2 InstallsA list of primary crafting reagents from Classic WoW Copper Ore (icon) Tin Ore (icon) Silver Ore (icon) Iron Ore (icon) Gold Ore (icon) Mithril Ore (icon) Truesilver Ore (icon) Thorium Ore (icon) Dark Iron...
0 InstallsAuto collapses the dropdown lists in profession window
0 InstallsA list of primary crafting reagents from Wrath of The Lich King Titanium Ore (icon) Saronite Ore (icon) Cobalt Ore (icon) Goldclover (icon) Tiger Lily (icon) Talandra's Rose (icon) Adder's Tongue (icon) Lichbloom (icon) Icethorn...