World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
<Rise> Sepulcher of the First Ones
57 InstallsCompilation of weak auras used for
Genesis Lathe - Ephemeral Effusion buf - Available (rdy) icon
349 InstallsGenesis Lathe Weapon - Ephemeral Effusion buf available
Creation Spark Marker / List
25 InstallsWeakaura for marking Players with the Creation Spark Debuff / showing Players in a List next to a Progress Bar that shows when the debuff expires
PI Ask+Give 2 (Added silent mode, no macro and whitelist)
55 InstallsHow to use it - Check "Custom Options" for settings You can use weakaura using macro - Make a macro with this code: /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("ASK_POWER_INFUSION") Or you can setup "Custom Options" to use this weakaura...
Malefic Rapture Free Proc (Affliction Warlock 4 Set Proc)
325 InstallsAffliction 4 set tier gives your Shadow Bolt a 30% chance to make your next Malefic Rapture cost no Soul Shards and cast instantly under the condition that you have Agony, Corruption and Unstable Affliction...
Jailer Rune of Damnation (Bar format)
64 InstallsBomb timer with tick, text and colour indication for jumping in holes
ZlicckUI - Utility (All Classes)
74 InstallsUI scale: 0.7 Resolution: 2560x1440 you migth have to do some changes for it to fit your own preferance. u should use the buff weakaura together with the class WA package (some buffs are tracked...
! Sepulcher of the First Ones - No Shame
25 InstallsHelpful infobars for Rygelon and Anduin !!! IMPORTANT STEP BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE !!! DL these custom textures for the Swarm Clear WA (Lords) to work correctly or you'll end up with a...
Jailer Bomb Fated
61 InstallsUpdated for Fated Affix Original WA:
Badger's Bitchin Boss Bars (for Vigilant Guardian)
47 InstallsA boss mechanic pack for N/H Vigilant Guardian! Features: (Tank only) Tracks tank stacks and reminds to taunt when other tank is at 3 stacks (Tank only) Tracks tank swap in phase 2 with Pneumatic...
Anduin - Monstreous Soul Glow + Nuke Add TTS
60 InstallsNameplate glow + nuke add TTS when Monstreous Soul is at 40%
T29 BW timer
56 Installsjust some things i want an extra timer for in Sepulcher of the First Ones Anduin Blasphemy (Text) Rygelon Cores (Text) Lord of Dreads Swarm AoE (Text) Skolex Retch(3,5,7,9)->Stack (Text) Lords Bait (Text) Dausegne Bait...
TRINKET Soleah DEUTSCH So'leahs Geheimtechnik
288 InstallsKlickbare Weakaura. Anzeige SOLEAH TRINKET mittig, wenn Buff fehlt - Nur in Gruppe/Raid - Nur wenn Trinket angelegt Anzeige Rebuff bevor Trinket Buff ausläuft - auch hier einfach WA klicken
06 Halondrus - Detonation Progress Bar
49 InstallsSays "Gate" when there is 1 second left on cast timer
3. SFO - 8_Anduin - Grim Reflections (HP TRACKER)
52 InstallsThis aura uses Nameplates as default HP tracker. It will show you the HP of Grim Reflections as well as raid marks. I'll update this WA with a custom trigger if nameplates don't seem to...
#Anduin Monstrous Soul
55 InstallsWarns you if the Monstrous Soul is <42% HP
EHP Missiles
46 InstallsDisplays your EHP after missile hit. Need
Rygelon | Dark Eclipse Assignments | Conviction Announce
50 InstallsFrom Causese - but it will announce very 2s, can change the interval in custom option.
Death Touch - Protoype Pantheon
52 InstallsVery simple written and audio notification that Death Touch is on you, as well as alerting when you are dispelled
53 InstallsWA主要是用于服务需要给远程输血组的法术组和近战位的轮椅暗牧尽可能的安排舒服的位置来提高游戏体验而在已有WA的基础上改进而成 可以自定义两组点位的优先度,一组优先于二组,每组还额外增加了两个没勾选职业以外的玩家人名来保证混合输血组的分配。 P.S. 由于点名的处理始终是有一个顺序的 依旧会出现那种近战先被点名把阴间坑位全占满后开始挤压优先点位导致的个别脸黑情况 This WA is to serve the mage/warlock for prior spot 124 and also shadow priest want a comfortable spot at the top. So just provide a version with two custom...