World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
SoFO - Pantheon - Seed Buff Duration
3 InstallsSend Bug Reports through my Discord: This is a bar showing the remaining duration of the seed buff on the Prototype Pantheon encounter. The tick marks show when 20 and 10 seconds are remaining...
2 InstallsPlays a kitty meow for Gold (stay still) and a wolf howl for blue (move to gold) Boss: Anduin Wrynn SoFo
Click-to-Craft Shopping and Crafting List
2 InstallsSend Bug Reports through my Discord: This is a shopping and crafting list for raid mats and temporary buffs. Click an item, and if you can craft it, you'll start crafting them. Check the...
2 Installs此為 的正體中文版本,截圖請參考來源WA。
Arcane Vuln Group
2 InstallsList with Blood Soak Stacks
<Ready> Interrupt Order Renewal
2 InstallsInterrupt WA für Prototype Pantheon (Renewal) basierend auf Causes - Blackrock
Holy Priest mouse WA (PoM for raids) everything you need at your fingertips
6 InstallsLoads in combat Tracks flash concentration, lets you know when less then 6 sec are remaining. Tracks PoM (in raids) Tracks Serenity. Hope you find it usefull. Have a nice day - Gus
07 Halondrus | Volatile Charge Glow
1 InstallsHalondrus : Volatile Charge raid frame glow
Warlock T28 Destro Set Bonus Tracker (9.2.5)
4 InstallsSimple and compact Destro Warlock T28 tracker UPDATED FOR 9.2.5
Stonksftw - Rdruid CD's Procs ETC
6 InstallsMy vertical bar next to raid frames, displays important cds, glows, sounds. I have custom sounds built into lifebloom and efflo. Also heart beat sound happens when @ or above 15 rejuvenations, so you know...
Vampiric Embrace Announce Heals and Overheals
4 InstallsAnnounces Vampiric Embrace total heals and total overheals to /emote /party /raid based on your selection.
Livez SL S4 命定團隊包
2 Installs此為 的正體中文翻譯修改版,除了翻譯外修改音效,須配合BNS素材包使用。
Rohans Bl/Hero
5 InstallsThis is a Wa used to change the Blood lust or heroism sound for a Moan sexy and keep track of the time of the BL buff meanwhile its active it works with the other...
1. Phase 3 and 4 Jailer Teleprompter TANK POS
3 InstallsTank prompt for P3 + P4 (big sidenote, my guild hasn't gotten to p3 yet, so it's untested, keep that in mind) Not much has been added really. Small help for those who need a...
2P set Disc priest cursor
4 InstallsCursor anchored of 2P disc priest set also have added a timer/stack text to the original penitent legendary and power of the dark side buff texture
Oanish's [Pantheon - Deathtouch Ward]
4 InstallsWeakaura to show glowing raid frames when the respective player is affected with both: Runecarver's Deathtouch Bastion's Ward This allows your healers to spot who is ready to get dispelled without having to call it...
Biting Wounds (LHaxorP)
1 InstallsPlays sonar when biting wounds is on me (can't soak green) and outputs "NO TOUCH" in say
Fearful Trepidation on Me (Camel Sound) (LHaxorP)
1 InstallsPLays sound when on me requires following folder be placed into addons
Cloud of Carrion on Me (Camel sound) (LHaxorP)
1 InstallsPlays sound when cloud of carrion is on me requires following folder be placed into addons
M Anduin Marks Assignment
1 InstallsMythic Anduin Marks Assignment. Used for the first time when all 20 players in the raid have marks. Must pre-assign players to specific position and input corresponding data in settings. All members in raid should...