World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
Season 4 Dungeons
360 InstallsA collection of auras created by Jodsderechte with the non-Season 4 Dungeons removed. All I've done is collate these auras into a pack of their own. I have no part in the creation of these...
Tazavesh Oasis Password Auto Gossip
526 InstallsQuality of life Weakaura, auto selects the Oasis password after u got it.
7.3k Installs包含: 傲慢具象AOE伤害提醒 自身射线喊话 队友射线监视 强化BUFF监视 中射线自动标记星星 与傲慢具象作战时喊话排队 **队友被射线命中时自动提醒(如果不需要请在傲慢WA组中将其禁用即可/如果想要自定义喊话内容也可在动作中修改) 傲慢计数器 If you would prefer an English version, click here
Grimrail Depot - Nitrogg Thundertower Fixate Suppressive Fire Group
200 Installs- Warns you when selected for Suppressive Fire on Grimrail Depot 2nd boss, Nitrogg Thundertower. - Shows timer for Suppressive Fire while on you. - If you have the addon Causese Sharedmedia installed, it will...
Туманы Тирна Скитта [Автонавигатор]
643 InstallsАвтонавигатор в Туманах Тирна Скитта, который покажет вам точный путь. Работает после 2 или 3 комнаты, в зависимости от роута.
Hakkar - Blood Barrier Immunity Alert
513 InstallsShows the "use immunity" progress bar + plays Immunity.ogg sound. Based on Causese's immunity WA for Inerva. SharedMedia_Causese addon is necessary to play the sound.
1.2k InstallsLightweight interrupt tracker, based on Nnoggas' tracker with significant performance improvements and zero dependencies on third party libraries such as libInspect or ZenTracker. The following are likely to work poorly and is being worked on:...
ToxiUI | M+ Timer
1.4k InstallsOriginally made by Reloe Customised for usage with ToxiUI For this to work properly, you have to disable Shadow & Light Quest module
宏图一号点名放水——火焰净除(Purged by Fire)
2.4k Installs可以精确显示哪一个人中了点名,而不是在点名的时候给所有人都提示。 一、背景 宏图老一的火焰净除,被点名的时候没有debuff也没有明显的提示,唯一的提示就是头顶的箭头。对于远程来说这个箭头还算明显,对于近战来讲很容易错看或者第一时间反应不过来。 而偏偏这个点名属于比较特殊的一类点名。它不像赎罪老二那种点名可以通过监视boss的目标来监视是谁,目前所有关于这个技能的WA都是在点名的时候给所有人提示。 于是就想到怎么做一个WA,只给被点名的人提示。 二、效果 WA会准确的提示到底是谁中了火焰净除的点名,每次点名只提示一个人,不像其他WA或者DBM一样,每次点名五个人都提示。
Clickable Consumables - Shadowlands Tracker
1.2k Installs*Updated* Clickable aura tracker for foods, oils, flasks and armor kits. (Left click for Foods, Oils, and Flasks. Right Click for Armor Kits) This aura displays how many of each consumable you have in your...
Darian - Highest Health Marker (Bolstering / Spiteful / Bursting)
1.1k InstallsPlaces a marker on the highest health mob that is in combat. Does not use target markers, allowing it to function without disturbing existing target markers such as from an interrupt auto-marker.
Sol'leah's Secret Technique Trinket Use
594 InstallsShows glowing icon with message to use trinket once the trinket buff runs out, as long as you have the trinket equipped. Made by Artemis (captiveCorsair)
S4赛季 大秘境Boss施法监控
390 Installs更新记录: 打了个卡下,热浪这技能不断不行呀 =============================================== 来源链接,但作者停止了分享 由钛锬汉化并进行了部分技能的增减,同时包含了部分小怪技能 祝大家游戏顺利~ WoWer交流群:659222443 验证答案:魔兽玩家 推荐与我汉化的小怪施法条配合使用,详见:
ZenTracker - Dungeon / Arena Interrupt Tracker
625 InstallsHello everyone! Nice that you found your way here! This is a small interrupt tracker that I created based on: I didn't really like the bar style that all existing interrupt trackers had so...
Soporific Shimmerdust - JUMP!!!
459 InstallsReminds you to jump when you have 8+ stacks of Soporific Shimmerdust in De Other Side. Displays bouncing "JUMP!!!" text and plays a loud air horn noise.
467 Installs此為NGA網友: 在NGA上分享WA的繁中修改版,隊友撿取炮彈/燃燒彈/手雷 等列表顯示,讓你可以直觀的看到誰撿了什麼道具,並且可以在你撿到炮彈提示上炮架打BOSS,上炮架提示在中火力壓制時不顯示。
Tazavesh Gambit Fishsticks
581 InstallsCast Bar & Health Bar
Swapblaster Announce
1.3k InstallsSwapblaster WeakAura -> Shows the swapblaster icon and the target name in the middle of your screen -> If you need a sound add it in the Actions tab -> No chat message spam ->...
Make Spires Not Hurt My Eyes
343 InstallsThis is a simple weakaura that only loads in Spires of Ascension (all difficulties) that puts a square over your entire screen (underneath your UI etc) that is a translucent orange-brown color, sort of like...
M+ - WeakAuras
286 InstallsOn 10.04.2022 Pack Have 542 WeakAuras 23.07.2022 Added URL WA 4 season -