World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Consumables Missing SL Version
219 InstallsShows missing Consumables: Desaturated if missing remaining duration and icon if <10m Augment and Vantus Rune are loaded in mythic raids only Everything else is also loaded in dungeons / nhc and hc raids
地下城 - 消耗品Buff监控[油、磨刀石、武器灌魔、合剂、护甲片、食物]
390 Installs代码修改自:; 稍微做了点调整,合计部分增加了耐力/力量双检测; 坦会默认显示耐力和力量合剂,可任选其一; 圣骑士默认选择油,而不是磨刀石; 新增萨满风怒和火舌监控 (9/16,有bug请汇报) 新增大餐和炼金合剂判断(9/17,有bug请汇报)
M+ !keys 暗影国度 大秘境钥石通报
327 InstallsJustbears-Illidan(US)
Sanguine Depths Mythic Plus
151 InstallsTimer for the anima cage buff (how long the cage is open to increase the buff), timer for Kaal's wicked rush in the gauntlet (square image) and on the boss encounter (progress bar) All 3...
Hide/Collapse Objectives and Quests
321 InstallsHide/Collapse Objectives and Quests Tracker while in Dungeons, Raid, PvP, and/or Torghast. Under "Custom Options", configure what to do for each location setting -- Dungeons, Raid, PvP, Torghast, and "Everywhere Else": • Hide • Collapse...
Covenant Check
608 InstallsDisplays which covenant the user is, along with the dungeons that benefit from that covenant. If others in the also have the Weakaura, it will have them respond with their covenant and dungeons, too. Usable...
카알 사악한 질주
151 Installs사악한 질주 회피용 (데나 일반~영웅 꿰뚫기 위크오라 변형) 원본 위크오라
868 Installs全职业的盟约技能监控 本人自用版 特别做成和上版本的项链技能监控布局很像 如果上版本用过项链技能监控WA 这个布局看的就很舒服 BUFF监控我感觉没啥必要 都是看个人选择监控 比如我都是分成一组BUFF监控一组DEBUFF 和盟约是分开的 如果有要求可能后续会做吧 目前只测试了几个职业 都没啥问题 后续如果使用有问题会更新 欢迎联系 分享给大家 觉得好可以点个星 谢谢 作者:血法 B站: 随性直播: 特别感谢 流浪的小树 以及美服玩家gaoshiboyy 提供的帮助
赏金 Bounty Buff (说 Say)
381 Installsbbs --- 赏金 Bounty Buff --- 史诗钥石地下城 Challenges
269 InstallsWeakaura that Auto marks the mobs. This is not my Weakaura, but rather a Weakaura I found and then customized to my needs
쐐기 : 던전 RP
380 Installs던전에서 RP에 소요되는 시간을 바 형태로 표시(번역 및 수정)
Bursting with Pride skip timing glow
351 InstallsSimple Bursting weakaura that glows when you should press invis pot to skip a pride. Only works if the final mob to refresh bursting also spawns the pride.
Healthstone Potions Racials Shadowlands
411 InstallsHealthstone (if available) + Health potion (all specs) + Mana potions (only visible for healer) + Racials (Horde) - - - health / mana pots inactive during pvp
Tazavesh Streets of Wonder - Activate Portals Auto Select
115 InstallsAutomatically activates portals in Tazavesh Streets of Wonder when talked to the corresponding NPCs Note: Only works on english or german clients (if you are using a different language just replace the npc names in...
Hiding Behind Junk
321 InstallsOn first boss in upper ( workshop )mechagon (K.U.-J.O.) gives icon on screen when you are considered hidden behind the box or in LOS. Useful to those who try to position the boss on the...
Raid Ability Timeline KkthnxUI Edit
432 InstallsDBM/BigWigs Bar Replacement Steup with KkthnxUI and KkthnxUI DBM skin enabled.
Necrotic Wake - Weapon Castbars
127 InstallsDisplays a castbar when someone in the party uses one of the weapons in Necrotic Wake, helpful to know when you need to get ready to hit taunt as a tank
Mythic+ Shadowlands Dungeons
78 InstallsIt shows some important casts of mobs and bosses in Shadowlands Dungeons. Grayish bars = mostly for bosses beams or cast interrupts (for example "wait" on bar means stop cast so you are not going...
Abby's Shroud of Concealment/Mass Invisibility Announcer & Stealth Notifier/Timer
393 InstallsThis is a modified version of Ongbak's Shroud of Concealment Announcer, edited for my needs. This WeakAura puts an icon on your screen with a timer, as well as announces to BG>Raid>Party>Say when Shroud of...
쐐기: 기본
231 Installs쐐기에 필요한 여러가지 유용한 위크오라 모음 여러 위크오라를 통합하여 개인적으로 수정한 버전 출처 암호 어픽스: !돌: 파열: 성약툴팁: !성약: 주시 차단 알림: 역병 몰락지 - 역병 빈대: 원한...