World of Warcraft
13,251 Mods
External Cooldown On You Tracker
207 InstallsThis is a tracker weak aura that quickly shows you which external cool downs are on you at any moment during group content. This will show you which buff you have active, who cast the...
Reminder to change domination shards in dungeons - Chaos Bane
242 InstallsThis weakaura will show an icon in the middle of your screen reminding you to change your Domination Shards if you enter a dungeon using any of the non-dps shards. With the 3 sets not...
Подземелья Shadowlands - важные кд
74 InstallsСоздано на основе этой ВА . Важные КД. Основная ВА Здесь . Для отображения таких же шрифтов в ВАшках: 1. Скачать архив: 2. Распаковать архив (там 2 папки) в :\World of Warcraft \ _retail_\...
Necrotic Stacks
270 InstallsNecrotic Stack Indicator Aura is active only if you're in a mythic plus dungeon and the necrotic affix is active. Features Displays an icon with the amount of stacks, the heal reduction percentage and the...
Spell Reflection Tracker 9.2.5 - Season 4 Fated
469 InstallsVersion 1.0 Taken from original author The FULL list of spells can be found here: This WeakAura tracks incoming Reflectable spell casts and displays progress bars for each one. Only certain pre-defined spells...
M+ Tank Support Bar(Cardboard)
238 Installs[HotFix 0611] Error fixed Showing Cardboard Assassin & Force of nature & Earth Elemental's cooldown as bar. Force of nature & Earth Elemental Bar is highlited by white border.
Encrypted Buffs
182 InstallsNeed help, found a bug or have a suggestion? text me on discord:
街道 綠洲交易 自動密碼
99 InstallsOriginal:
M+ Necrotic
251 InstallsNecrotic Tracker * Shows total stacks applied * Time before debuff expires
Spires of Ascension - Kin-Tara - Charged Spear on you
95 InstallsPlays a sound and tells you to run if you're the target of Charged Spear
M+ Season 4 (SL) Shrouded nameplate icon (장막 나스레짐 이름표 아이콘 알림)
275 InstallsShows icon on Nathrezim Infiltrator, Zul'gamux nameplate a Carrion Swarm icon for Infiltrator and Blood Barrier icon for Zul'gamux also Shows absorbs amounts on Zul'gamux icon when she has a Blood Barrier buff ------------------------------------- 나스레짐...
Dungeon Halls Of Atonement
91 InstallsHalls of Atonement Pack. Only important stuff. I track interrupts etc in my Plater profile.
Quake Interrupt Announcer
203 InstallsA text that shows on screen if your cast will be interrupted by the quaking debuff on Mythic+. Text can be edited on the code block found on the display tab. In case you prefer...
Raid CD usage
390 InstallsLists currently active major healing/raid cooldowns. Dependencies (you must have these installed for this WeakAura to work) LibGroupInspecT 1.1: Supported cooldowns Shaman Healing Tide Totem Spirit Link Totem Mana Tide Totem Ancestral Protection Totem...
Shackman's Super Secret Squirrel Cast WA
688 InstallsThis Weak Aura will track the casts of the Anti-Personnel Squirrel casts in Mechagon Workshop so you can mind control the Tinkers to cast them for your group. Big dam! Please reach out to me...
Dungeon - Targeted Spells
209 InstallsDisplays target of spell caster on caster's nameplate - BFA dungeons
CleanPixel - SL Dungeons
57 InstallsCleanPixel Shadowlands 9.1.0 (Retail Only) About Modified dungeon pack, made to suit my UI. Not all original WeakAuras included and more will be added as I see fit Optional If you want a similar look...
Dwarf Racial
194 InstallsShows when u are affected by debuff which can be dispelled with dworf race ability
Low Mana Announcer
381 InstallsShow alert message to you and write message in the chat when your amount of mana is less then needed value (%). Needed value can be set in the WA user-settings (by default it's 10%)....
Surgeon Stitchflesh Meat Hook
98 InstallsIcon flashes and beeps when you need to move.