World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Junkyard buffs (bots)
6.3k InstallsShows people missing the bot buffs in Junkyard. Furthermore, mousing over a bot that you can not click (already have it) will report in party chat which players are missing that specific buff (this feature...
Mythic+ Castbar - Shadowlands Dungeons
4.4k InstallsCastbar Tracker I made for myself and friends to more visually see important casts in the Shadowlands Dungeons. Blue = Interrupt these casts Yellow = Dodge these casts Purple = Tank casts Orange = Hard...
Necrotic Tracker
8.8k InstallsBased on !Batheras' NecroticTracker ( ). Updated to be much more efficient and to work in Shadowlands.
Shadowlands Dungeons Purgeable Buffs
5.1k InstallsMy dungeons abilities pack: My covenants & special abilities pack: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities you can purge/spellsteal or soothe for all 8 Shadowlands dungeons. Auras are anchored to the right side of the nameplate. To...
KUJO Safe Buff
6.3k InstallsShows you an icon when you are save behind the box at the kujo encounter. Useful if you want to be sneaky and continue dpsing during the hide phase
SD - General Kaal Wicked Rush
8k InstallsProgress bar before General Kaal starts his wicked rush
Externals on me
6.1k InstallsShows when externals are used on you and who casted them. If there are any auras missing, contact me Battletag: Aluura#2946 This is a collection of 22 auras: Blessing of Sac (Icon) AM (Icon) Blessing...
M+ Level Display
6.3k InstallsOverlays your highest achieved fortified and tyrannical key levels, as well as your combined score for the dungeon. ty translit for anchoring code help
Shadowlands Consumable Tracker / Readycheck - Clickable
2.6k InstallsI apologize for neglecting my old "Clickable-Readycheck" ( After taking some time of I have returned to World of Warcraft and upgraded said Weakaura. If you liked my old design you will love our new...
Weekly M+ Tracker
4.3k InstallsWeekly M+ Tracker Displays your weekly M+ runs in two ways: Runs affecting Great Vault weekly reward options Runs listed by dungeon This WA seeks to fill in missing functionality from the default UI about...
Rigged Plagueborer Spawn + Explosion Timer Plaguefall
9.6k InstallsThe bars spawn automatically when a Rigged Plagueborer dies 2 bars are showing up. One shows the time until a new set of Borers spawn (5s) and the other the time until the explosion goes...
Necrotic Wake - Kyrian Buff Auto Select
10.8k InstallsAutomatically selects the dialog to activate the goliath buff in Necrotic Wake Only works on english client
Bot Location - Junkyard (Map and BattleField Map)
3.4k InstallsShows the location (On map and Battle Field Map) of all Shock Bots (Blue), Grease Bots (Red), and Welding Bots (Green) in Operation: Mechagon - Junkyard - Shock Bots cause all of your attacks and...
Mythic+ Interrupt Tracker
5.6k InstallsClean & Simple Interrupt Weakaura THE WEAKAURA REQUIRES LibGroupInspecT 1.1 to work -tracks which casts were interrupted -tracks death, range, spellreflects and so on This is the original Weakaura: >>>Credits to Jodsderechte<<<
6.1k InstallsWeakaura Pack for the Mythic + Affix Prideful Designed to be used together with If you want to have timers and are not using OmiCC/Elvui select the group , go to display options...
[Obsolote] Season 4 M+ Shrouded Affix Warnings [3.1.3]
2.9k InstallsWarnings for Shadowlands Season 4 Shrouded Affix. Tracks and warns you for the cast of Carrion Swarm, Shadow Eruption and Blood Siphon. Warns you to avoid sleep circle. Warning for healers to dispell Shadow Claws...
2k Installs显示周围敌对姓名版读条和其施法目标 如果目标是你则高亮进度条
M+ Targeted(시전 대상) 9.2.7
5.2k InstallsPart of My M+ WA Collection : ! 주의 ! 업데이트 이후에 중복된 위크오라 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이를 막기위해 이 위크오라의 다른 복제를 모두 제거한 후에 설치하세요. 특히 "Dungeon - Targeted Spells"나"BFADungeonTargetedSpells"가 이미...
8.5k InstallsTormented Affix Buffs and Debuffs for Shadowlands Season 2. Uses Spell ID's so it should work and be available for all client languages. Continuing to update the Weakaura with different things as I use it...
Abby's Mythic+ Quaking Circles
3.3k InstallsThis is an updated version of Putro's Quaking Affix Assist WeakAura, edited for my needs. This collection tracks the Quaking CD with a desaturated circle with timer around your character, and then turns into a...