World of Warcraft
13,256 Mods
Mythisch+ Prozente %
51 InstallsZeigt die % an die man vor dem letzten Boss brauch bei Myth+ Dungeons
DOS - Arcane Lightning (Group)
34 InstallsThis weakaura shows a list of names of your party members who do not have any of the following debuffs: Arcane Lighting, Localized Explosive Contrivance, Arcane Vulnerability
[Dungeon] SL4 IRON DOCKS
24 InstallsList of my WA's for Iron Docks (up to date for Shadowlands Season 4)
rimlu who marked who
49 Installstells you who put the marker on the enemy.
Party Favor (The Mad Duke's Tea)
108 InstallsClickable Weakaura for the Venthyr Soulbind Theotar
사악한 질주 돌진 타이밍 카운트
35 InstallsOriginal from: 대상자만 뜨도록 수정한 버전.
Dismiss Bron
100 InstallsThis weakaura checks to see if Bron is active when you are out of combat and have the Wo buff. If so, it alerts you and allows you to click on the weakaura button to...
SL Dungeon teleport buttons modified - Sbare
86 InstallsCredits to: Dungeons teleport clickeable buttons in your mythic+ tab. Changed dungeons name and to load only in 5 man dungeons * "Top 10 runs" is another weakaura modified=>
UnhaltedUI: So'leah's Secret Technique Buff Tracker
17 InstallsUnhaltedUI: So'leah's Secret Technique Buff Tracker Simple yet effective WeakAura that will track your So'leah's Secret Technique Buff and neatly displays the current buff on your Player Frame. Currently anchored to my Shadowed Unit Frame...
Dalle Unitframes (PVP/PVE)
23 InstallsThis is my take on clean looking unitframes with great visibility for player, target, party (1-4), arena (1-3) and bosses (1-3). Besides all of the usual stuff you would expect from unitframes, this one includes...
The Jailer 2H Weapon buff Tracker ( Cooldown Tracker)
111 InstallsThis weak aura will track and show you all information you need to know about the Jailer 2H Weapon. (Gavel of the First Arbiter)
Volatile Pufferfish
29 InstallsWhen a pufferfish has been cast displays a glowing icon until it explodes.
Mists of Tirna Scithe Autosolver - ENG
115 InstallsEnglish Translation of the Directions Credit to Korosan for the UI translation and Eleven, for the original coding of this Weak Aura
MaUI Dungeon Percent
54 InstallsDisplays the missing M+ percentages, the percentages can be adjusted in the settings.
Fragments of Radiance
34 InstallsWeakaura that displays the amount of stacks your character has for the Beryllia encounter in Sanguine Depths. Every time you collect the buff, your character says (/say) the amount of stacks. Made by FexCatta
Auto-Pull Timer after Ready Check
38 InstallsAutomatically start a pull timer after a ready check when Everyone Is Ready. To change Pull Timer values, navigate to "Custom Options" tab. Defaults: Party Pull Time = 10 seconds Raid Pull Time = 15...
쐐기 시작시 탱힐 자동징
51 Installs쐐기돌 던전 시작 시 탱커 힐러에게 자동으로 징을 찍습니다. 사용자 설정 옵션에서 원하는 징표 종류 선택 가능. 매크로 명령어: /script WeakAuras.ScanEvents('SQ_RT_CHECK',true)
Bounty Reminder with group say and sound (Season 4 affix)
58 InstallsReminds you to pick bounty stat at start of m+ and also make a sound and send party chat message
SL Dungeon - Mist of Tirna Scithe
29 InstallsMade by Zia, Ysondre[EU]
32 Installs一个彼界米尔豪斯拆弹数量的WA,仅供娱乐使用。