World of Warcraft
13,268 Mods
M+ S2 Tormented 磨難心能拾取提醒 zhTW
10 InstallsFor Traditional Chinese user. 改寫成點完球就會消失~ 應該沒問題啦~~~~~~
Combat Check
10 InstallsSuper simple WA that displays a small HUD when you are flagged as in combat
AutoMarca M+
10 InstallsEl titulo lo dice todo , Al pasar por el mouse en los enemigo te autoasigna un icono en el add para poder coordinar con tus amigos los cortes y stun etc
Romp - SimcStringGenerator - 1.0
6 InstallsOriginal weakaura made by Moen can be found here: --- This weakaura generates all items for your current class and spec found in the current raid as well as currently available dungeons. You can...
Decrypted Cypher Buffs
17 InstallsShows new Affix Buffs with activation sound.
Soulbind Checker
17 InstallsUPDATE 12/03/22: - Can now choose 1 option for each covenant. - More user friendly custom options. Check if you have the good soulbind active in raid & dungeon. Choose your soulbind in Custom options.
Consumables Flask/Food/Oil/Chest
15 Installsshows your missing consumables note: this is not clickable also in future
StuntmanMix - Mouse Tracker
17 InstallsWeakAuras to track the location of the mouse/cursor.
M+ Targeted Bar (Shadowlands)
8 InstallsCredits to
SL-Dungeons Traducción castellano
11 InstallsShadowlands Dungeon Pack Fully localized and working with all languages
Quaking Quacking
11 InstallsIf you have top tier humor and call quaking quacking, then this is the weakaura for you. This weakaura will display the DuckerZ emote and make a quacking sound when quaking happens. Installation Instructions:
Karazhan Set Reminder
6 InstallsReminds you to equip the Karazhan set before the key starts
ZT - Interrupt Tracker (Nnoggie's edited)
13 InstallsRequires: LibGroupInspecT 1.1 Requires: ZenTracker Backend:
11 InstallsLet your party members know that you have prideful on you! uwu
[Nymrok] Équipement (MM+) - Druide : Gardien
1 InstallsWeakAura affichant une liste d'équipement "Best In Slot" purement subjective à récupérer en MM+ à la 9.2.0. Le légendaire "Unité" de Zereth Mortis va sur les Bottes, tandis que le légendaire R7 "Souvenir de la...
Dungeon - Theater of Pain
7 InstallsDungeon weakaura for Theater of Pain
Reminder to change domination shards in dungeons - Winds of Winter
10 InstallsThis weakaura will show an icon in the middle of your screen reminding you to change your Domination Shards if you enter a dungeon using any of the non-dps shards. With the 3 sets not...
[Nymrok] Talents (MM+) - Druide : Gardien
1 InstallsWeakAura affichant une liste purement subjective de talents à prendre pour aller en MM+ à la 9.2.0.
M+ Debuffs/Buffs - Old Shadowlands
9 InstallsCollection of stuff i find important to see/track in a dungeon. For me there is no such thing as to much information so some might find some stuff excessive. As a tank some wekauras might...
UHR - Deconstruct
13 InstallsTe muestra cuándo tienes UP el debuff de UHR, además suena un lindo gatito.