World of Warcraft
13,268 Mods
Belligerent Boast (prideful)
10 Installschatbubble count for belligerent boast
Bursting - No warning
10 InstallsBursting but without the chat warning
Junkyard bots buff
4 Installsshows if you have the buff (with timer and inn color) and which one you miss. in gray
[Nymrok] Talents (MM+) - Druide : Restauration
1 InstallsWeakAura affichant une liste purement subjective de talents à prendre pour aller en MM+ à la 9.2.0.
Protection Paladin - Minimalist UI (Shadowlands)
11 InstallsCovenant Ability Tracker - Top Left Consecration Tracker - Top Right Defensives - Top Personal Utility - Left Crowd Control - Right Resources - Top Middle Rotational Abilities - Middle Group Utility (Blessings) and Mobility...
Discordian's Fire Mage Tracker 9.0.2
15 InstallsWhen Infernal Cascade up, you can track it's cooldown. When your Firestrom legendary procs, you can track its cooldown also.
Group Buffs, Consumables, & Cooldowns (Clickable)
11 InstallsTracks Bloodlust, Time Warp, Drums, Pet Lust, Battle Resurrections, and Engineering Bres for group. Tracks Arcane Intellect for Mage, Fortitude for Priest, Battle Shout for Warrior, Create Healthstones/Soulwell for Warlock, and Poisons for Rogue. Flask,...
Active Pet Warning
13 InstallsThis WeakAura will remind you what a terrible hunter you are by displaying an icon while out-of-combat that you're losing 10% damage while your pet is active. By Smashbox (Discord: Smash#7777)
Imocros - Discipline Priest: Rotation
14 InstallsThis is a shadowlands weakaura that covers all covenant abilities. Make sure to watch the Youtube Guide. The weakaura is a Shadowlands ready for Discipline Priest. It covers the base rotation, dot tracking, spell priorities,...
[Nymrok] Talents (MM+) - Druide : Équilibre
1 InstallsWeakAura affichant une liste purement subjective de talents à prendre pour aller en MM+ à la 9.2.0.
Swiftar's Clinging Infestation
8 InstallsIcon display and sound when you have to jump to get rid of Clinging Infestation in Plaguefall
Prideful - Belligerent Boast Callout
8 InstallsAdds countdown to the Belligerent Boast debuff that shoots out red orbs during Prideful Encounters in M+
Time In Combat
12 InstallsUnhaltedUI: Time In Combat Simple yet effective WeakAura that will track your Combat Time and neatly displays the current buff on your Player Frame. Currently anchored to my Shadowed Unit Frame but can easily be...
Weekly M+ Tracker (Matches Vault)
14 InstallsUpdated Version with new iLVL and top 8 m+ runs. Original: Shows your weekly completed Mythic + keys and the reward ilvl in your vault. The Hotkey is "I" to bring up the text....
DK CDS: Blood Externals (Shadowlands)
13 InstallsTracker for various DK Defensives and Healer externals.
Season 4 Mythic Plus Frontals and Swirlies: Sanendaei
8 InstallsPlay a shotgun sound or jedi lightsaber sound for frontals/ground mechanics. OR Display a texture around your screen for frontals/ground mechanics Custom Texture is required for the texture functionality.
Arrg Storming Counter
9 Installsshows a DPS-Meter'like window with: - total number of storming hits - percentage/count of each party member
Group Spell Reflect Tracker
9 InstallsAlerts you when a warrior has casted spell reflect. Helps avoid overlapping interrupts/kicks with big spell reflect dam
Dungeon - Halls of Atonement
6 InstallsDungeon weakaura for Halls of Atonement Included Stoneborn Timer
Dungeon - Sanguine Depths
6 InstallsDungeon weakaura for Sanguine Depths Included Anima Cage and Sinfall Boon(Cage damage buff) timer