World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
$Bagge -Spiteful Aaron
5 InstallsRequires you to download this file and extract it in "\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\WAResources" (create the folder if it doesn't exist) In custom options you can set it to only trigger for Spitefuls that are targeting...
5 InstallsNever forget to study ever again! Shows if you haven't studied yet
Interrupt Bars
7 InstallsI am not the original creator of this weak aura. I am simply sharing this here so my viewers have easy access to my WA set.
Mage Tower || Agatha Group
4 InstallsPack Completo de ayuda para hacer el desafio torre de magos con guerrero Alertas de lanzamiento Prioridades de objetivos y mas
Imocros - Shadow Priest: Rotation
5 InstallsMake sure to watch the Youtube Guide. The weakaura is a Shadowlands ready for Discipline Priest. It covers the base rotation, dot tracking, spell priorities, important buffs and debuffs, resources, cooldowns and covenant abilities. Covenants...
M+_심연_카알 가는 구간 산개 Bar (대화수정)
2 Installs막넴 가는 구간 카알 산개 타이머 (전투 시작 시 산개 시점 수정)
Great Vault Button
5 InstallsSimple Button which opens the Great Vault
PartyCDs M+
7 InstallsLittle WeakAura I made to track my team's offensives and deffensives duration. I'm aware that some CD's may be missing, I've made this only considering the comps I play with the classes I play. You...
M+ Information
3 InstallsShows the boss / trash damage/health multipliers based on key level and main affix (fortified v tyrannical) The values can be changed in the weak auras custom options tab as shown in the image.
M+_심연_령 우리 지속시간 & 버프
3 Installs핏빛심연 령 우리 지속시간 및 버프 중첩 유지시간 타이머
Legion Dungeons - Felix
2 InstallsUltima actualización 19/10/2022 Weakauras editado y modificado personalmente por mí con alertas sonoras, alertas textuales y algunas alertas especiales de mecánicas muy importantes que no estaban incluidas. Dicho weakaura sigue en proceso de prueba. Mas...
Diomer BRM Shadowlands
5 InstallsBrewmaster WeakAura's For Shadowlands Includes: -Purifying Chi buff-tracker -Buff% of next Celestial Brew -Time and absorb remaining of CB -Detox-self icon Based on Darkmech's BFA-WA's I use this together with my ElvUI profile
Rippin's Dungeon RIO and Class
4 InstallsFork of - added main rio option
Chonky's Obvious Healthstone
5 InstallsIf you have a healthstone and are at low health, reminds you to USE THE DAMN THING!
Mythic+ Vault Loot
4 InstallsCreated by MimPlays
Sanctum of Pineapplia
4 InstallsInspired by the Sanctum of Pineapplia game, here's a weakaura pack that gives each boss in shadowlands dungeons and Sanctum of Domination raid music similar to what's heard in the game. Can be tested using...
!Dungens 怨毒
4 Installs字体素材(FONT): 链接(Link): 提取码(Extraction code):f490 放在(put font in)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Fonts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wa‘s Plater Profile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some other wa: !Dungens 怪物内置CD: !Dungens 集市6号boss: !Dungens 控制监视: !Dungens 怨毒: !Dungens 大秘境进度条: !通用 专业团队: Wa's Priest/Paladin HP<20% 牧师/骑士 20%斩杀:...
Click-to-Craft Shopping and Crafting List
2 InstallsSend Bug Reports through my Discord: This is a shopping and crafting list for raid mats and temporary buffs. Click an item, and if you can craft it, you'll start crafting them. Check the...
BFA Dungeons - Felix
2 InstallsUltima actualización 19/10/2022 Weakauras editado y modificado personalmente por mí con alertas sonoras, alertas textuales y algunas alertas especiales de mecánicas muy importantes que no estaban incluidas. Dicho weakaura sigue en proceso de prueba. Mas...
Mage fire proc
6 InstallsRemember to disable spell alerts from interface - fight