World of Warcraft
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Savelev546 | Restoration Shaman Buffs
0 InstallsMain Profile WA: link
Kichwas - Shaman - Enhancement "Rotation Training Wheels"
0 InstallsThis is one of my 'training wheels' weak aura guides. It will recommend what you should cast next based on where you are in your rotation. It is designed to teach you the basics of...
Resto Shaman copy
0 Installsimport from luxthos wa
Kaje - Class Main: Shaman - Elemental
0 InstallsElemental rotation - Depends on
Kaje - Class Main: Shaman - Enhancement
0 InstallsEnhancement rotation - Depends on
Shaman Elemental Resources
0 Installs(Work in Progress)
Kelsin - Shaman
0 InstallsMy personal config for my elemental/resto shadowlands kyrian shaman
0 InstallsCounts the number of active fire wolves you have active with a visual indicator
Captain Bob // Resto Shaman
0 InstallsWeakauras for Restoration Shaman. The mana bar is NOT included. This is a collection of 43 auras: HRain: Cooldown (icon) HRain: Ready (icon) APT: Cooldown (icon) APT: Ready (icon) EST: Cooldown (icon) EST: Ready (icon)...
The Legend of Storm, Earth, And Fire
0 InstallsLava Burst, Stormstrike, Natural Harmony, Master of the Elements, Icefury stacks, and Stormkeeper stack tracker. Triforce Shaman > Group tab > Group scale to resize, currently blown up.
Resto Shaman - Rohac
0 InstallsPublik's Restoration Shaman Auras
Etat des totems
0 InstallsIcone affichant la durée restante des totems. Si les auras des totems ne sont plus détectés, alors le temps de recharge sera caché et l'icone grisé
Enhancement Sham
0 InstallsPublik's Assassination Rogue Auras
[Class] Shaman
0 InstallsMain abilities for all 3 specs. Enhancement is in outdated format (to be fixed). Organisation is a mess (less likely to be fixed). Shoutout everyone whose WAs I yoinked.
Luxthos - Shaman Rotations M
0 InstallsCreated by Luxthos
Tempo's Disc Auras
0 InstallsA recreation of Reich UI for Disc Priest because the project has been disconfinued
tbc enemy heroism tracker
0 Installsfor ally players
0 Installsshaman auras for restoration and elemental. first version using Korben "Shaman // Earth Shield Tracker v1.0.3"
MasCozzetti - Enhancement PvP
0 InstallsCreated by Luxthos
Resto Sham UI 2
0 InstallsBasic HUD mashed together from various other weakauras. Just uploading for friends, probably won't be maintaining.