World of Warcraft
13,714 Mods
Wrong Gear Reminder for Raids
9 InstallsWarning if you have any of these equipped out of combat: - Blessed Medallion of Karabor - Medallion of Karabor - Pendant of Shadow's End - Rocket Boots Xtreme - Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite -...
6 Installs物理组恒金饰链缺失提醒
Kil'Jaeden - Shield of the Blue (pet not in shield)
13 InstallsDisplays a warning when you are inside the Kil'jaeden shield but your pet is not, so you can recall him to your side before he gets one shot. This has the same visual animation as...
Grace Tracker
14 Installs* Tracks Grace of the Naaru from [Libram of Mending] * Tells you which Libram you have Equipped * Shortens to "Truth" if [Libram of Absolute Truth] is equipped. * Shortens to "Mending" if [Libram...
3 InstallsDisplays burn information during brutallus. Demo video is shown using Rejuv as a palceholder
Bag of Marbles
3 InstallsShows the Bag of Marbles debuff on your current target, how long it has left and who applied it.
[TBC] Automated Weapon Swap While Drinking (Outdated / Unnecessary in Wotlk)
8 InstallsThis Weakaura automatically swaps your main weapons (MH + OH and/or Wand) to a second set of weapons while drinking. The WA is also able to cycle between the two sets at a user-defined time...
Group Mana Tide Alert
8 InstallsNotifies you when a shaman in your group activates his Manatide Totem and displays the duration.
raid buffs tracker (warlock vers)
11 InstallsTracks personal buffs in raids (some in 5man dungeons as well): Fel armor Demonic sacrifice buff - Sacrificed succubus or imp Salv - if there are 1 or more paladins in your party/raid Kings -...
M'uru - Spell Fury spellsteal
11 InstallsThis weakaura will only work if: - Focus target = Grand Warlock Alythess (fire twin)
Wail of the Banshee
3 InstallsPSA: The spell can be casted while moving, Will need a /stopcasting command .
Raid Buff Bar by Flowdi
3 InstallsRaid Weakaura showing everything necessary like missing Bufffood, Weapon Oil, Flask, Poison, Armor Kits.. Trying to update it step by step so every class / role got all their stuff. Feel free to contact me...
Casters Totems Tracker TBC
5 InstallsThis WA is based from Future's WA and I added Wrath totem from Elemental Shaman. So u can see if the totem are dropped or not and if you are on range or out of...
9 Installs由于俏俏的nga贴被锁定,找不到SW版本的更新,本人自行修改了一下俏俏的代码,现已支持SW的WCL通报。 WclPlayerScore-TBC插件本身已经集成了通报功能,详情游戏中输入 /WCL 查看,本代码不再更新。
Aggression Auto Marker
9 InstallsAuto Marker based on Maeys auto marker for aggression guild. updated for sunwell PTR
Marked and Loaded
2 InstallsSpell casting on marked unit - write valid spell name in the input and assign the mark - works only if target is in front of you and within /targetenemy range - can be bound...
TBC hunter Classic Buffs Bar (updated)
7 InstallsUpdate weak aura from https://wago.io/JO7kUnLlY Tracker for Spell cooldowns, Bloodlust/Herosim, trinket buffs and item procs
TBC Faction Rep
0 InstallsUpdated version of my TBC faction rep. Now includes Alliance & Horde factions and has tags to load faction specific reps for only that faction.
Void Blast Spell Reflect Now
8 InstallsWill play the Air Horn if you need to activate Spell Reflect while tanking the Void Blast. (Assuming you are the one tanking the Void Sentinel).
Clickable Consumes Reminder TBC
6 InstallsClickable Raid Comsumes. Only shows Consumes from Inventory and hides on active Buff. Forked from: https://wago.io/IEddd570_ Cleaned up and added Shattrath Flask.