World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Thaddius Polarity Shift
5.6k InstallsPepega proof aura for Thaddius. Change where - and + go in custom options, default is left: - right: +
Thaddius Polarity Shift WOTLK
2.8k InstallsPepega proof aura for Thaddius. Change where - and + go in custom options, default is left: - right: + Same as the classic one:
Feugen / Stalagg Health Sync
468 Installs* Healthbars for Feugen and Stallag * Scan throttle in Custom Options Support at:
Thaddius Polarity Shift
413 Installs- - - - Thaddius + + + * Polarity Shift cast time and icon. * Positive or negative charge icon, telling you to go "Right", "Left" or "Stay". * Colored stack amount display (See...
Thaddius SubBoss HealthBar
202 InstallsThaddius SubBoss HealthBar English Version: Naxx-电男小BOSS血量监控 by kevinct
Naxx - Thaddius Charge
252 InstallsThis weak aura displays an icon and text whenever Thaddius changes your charge state. The text tells negatively charged players to go right and positively charged players to go left. You also get a bonus...
Thaddius Sync
189 InstallsSee health bars for both Feugen and Stalagg during the Thaddius fight in Naxx.
Thaddius Charge
163 InstallsAnnounces first charge and then only announces when your charge shifts.
Naxx - Thaddius Charge (Opp)
144 InstallsThis weak aura displays an icon and text whenever Thaddius changes your charge state. The text tells negatively charged players to go left and positively charged players to go right. You also get a bonus...
T7 Raid Holypalaswe
87 InstallsMy small set of weakauras for T7, Naxx EoE OS. Some weakuras from from Tems T7 pack:
430 Installs两个NAXX趣味通报: 1、打完PW,被软泥撞死的会在团队通报“>>>XXX<<<被软泥撞死了!” 2、电男BOSS,掉下台子的会在团队通报“>>>XXX<<<掉下台子了!”
48 Installs电男跑位提示,一旦需要跑位,游戏里显示跑字图标闪光配合尖啸声警告。设置里面需要设置第一次站位的电极。如果你不设置,则默认为第一次不提示
Thaddius Sync - Feugen and Stalagg
33 InstallsIn the screenshot above, the bars indicate the health and 22/42 is the percentage of health. The other numbers to the right of the bars, 76% and 66%, indicate your threat relative to each mini...
HypeStar's T7 helper - personal debuffs/buffs
30 InstallsNaxxramas helper for personal buffs and debuffs during the encounters.
Hos Me
0 InstallsAutomatically asks your Paladins for Hand of Salvation. heavily based on
Thaddius SubBoss HealthBar
19 InstallsFork of - Multilanguage Support (Add custom options and values within Action Init Code. Reduced performance impact in regular fights besides Thaddius (cant only load there because Stalagg & Feugen don't count as encounter)....
Markman Hunter Minimalist UI
0 InstallsMarkman Hunter Minimalist UI Very barebones
PilsungUI | GCD | Global Cool Down | Progress Bar
21 InstallsGlobal Cool Down Progress Bar helps you time your ability instead of spam them.
<Devilhawk> Undead Target Scourgebane
8 InstallsAllow to track if your weapon does not have the Scourgebane enchant (+140AP against Undeads) or if it has the enchant but the target is not an undead.
Stalagg and Feugen Healthbars
6 InstallsHealthbars for Stalagg and Feugen during the WOTLK Naxx Thaddius Boss Encounter