World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Rhoky - Divine Sacrifice
2 InstallsThis weakaura shows you if Divine Sacrifice is active. Divine Sacrifice: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=64205/divine-sacrifice - The pink bar shows if the CD was used and who used the CD. - The yellow bar shows if you were...
【凉风版】怀旧服集合石/集结号 - 独立版 - 需下载
0 Installs下载地址:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pwKEkh8GI7CrM44gPlulfw 提取码:1234 放置目录:World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\Addons 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
Auto Roll (WotLK) v2.0.0 10 MAN
12 InstallsI've used https://wago.io/xu1ybQZDZ and modified it slightly to fit a different need/want - original WA credit to Zyim's Auto Roll WeakAura. I modified this weakaura to perform the following actions in WotLK 10 man raids,...
8 InstallsPlays Stormcaller Brundir's "Hah!" every time a player dies in an encounter. The cooldown can be adjusted at the bottom of the trigger. Stops playing if you are dead.
Tank: Utilities, externals, defensives.
2 Installsshows what's types of cooldowns is running up on your tank and some targets buffs/debuffs.
Mana Pot Usable - Raids
4 Installs- Show's when mana pot is usable (out of combat) - Will only show if you have mana pots