World of Warcraft
13,503 Mods
Venoxis - Blacklist Alert
23 InstallsAlert for all Blacklisted Chars from Venoxis from Official Venoxis Discord Server https://discord.gg/jhGVpDya4Q Reasons: Griefing, Ninjalooting, Trolling, Raid Sabotage
Focus Missing
18 InstallsShows a warning if you're missing a focus target. Only shows in dungeons and raids, and not in combat.
Hyperspeed Accelerator Reminder
44 InstallsShows "Gloves" next to your character frame when Hyperspeed Accelerators are off cooldown. Shows when your glove enchant is off CD. Specifically made for Hyperspeed Accelerators but works for any on-use enchant/tinker in the glove/hands...
Crystal Yield Reminder
42 InstallsDisplays the crystal yield icon if a boss is targeted, the boss is not debuffed with crystal yield and crystal yield is off cooldown
Rhoky - Divine Sacrifice
2 InstallsThis weakaura shows you if Divine Sacrifice is active. Divine Sacrifice: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=64205/divine-sacrifice - The pink bar shows if the CD was used and who used the CD. - The yellow bar shows if you were...
【凉风版】怀旧服集合石/集结号 - 独立版 - 需下载
0 Installs下载地址:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pwKEkh8GI7CrM44gPlulfw 提取码:1234 放置目录:World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\Addons 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
Prot Paladin Buffs
37 InstallsShows a icon in combat for Divine Plea and Sacred Shield, to indicate if they are active or not
Auto Roll (WotLK) v2.0.0 10 MAN
12 InstallsI've used https://wago.io/xu1ybQZDZ and modified it slightly to fit a different need/want - original WA credit to Zyim's Auto Roll WeakAura. I modified this weakaura to perform the following actions in WotLK 10 man raids,...
Flask missing
3 InstallsReminder for flasks when in raid group
8 InstallsPlays Stormcaller Brundir's "Hah!" every time a player dies in an encounter. The cooldown can be adjusted at the bottom of the trigger. Stops playing if you are dead.
4 InstallsShows Potion of Speed, Healthstone, Thistle Tea, Saronite Bomb, Global Thermal Sapper Charges, Indestructible Potions, Flame Caps. How many you have and their CD.
Combo Points - Animated Glowing Orbs
19 InstallsCombo Point WeakAura using Glowing Orbs and Rune Circles to track Combo Points and Missing Combo Points. Visually appealing and very cool.
Confirm Summon in Party, Raid and Whisper - WOTLK
7 InstallsWhen summoned, this weak aura sends a message to the party (if not in a raid) or raid chat indicating that you have received a summon. Additionally, it also whispers the person who summoned you....
Raid Members Count -Watcher
6 InstallsThis WA will show raid members in multiple different ways. It can come handy for running VOA class runs or spec runs so you know how many of each class you've got. It will show...
Abu's Beacon of Light
15 InstallsSmall Beacon of Light icon, always showing, desaturated when not active. Name of target also indicated.
Bear swing timer reset with critter summon
10 InstallsThis is simple remake of SNEK weakaura to provide swing reset only out of bearform to prevent random swing resets during fight. Credits to: >>Bouk<< https://wago.io/qTzkhlxH9
Instance and Badge Tracker (RU)
2 InstallsTranslation of this https://wago.io/KNJ05__AN All credit to https://wago.io/p/Uze
Mana Pot Usable - Raids
4 Installs- Show's when mana pot is usable (out of combat) - Will only show if you have mana pots