World of Warcraft
13,250 Mods
Sandycloth's Raid Consume Checklist
1 InstallsWA that shows what consumes you have in bags, pre-raid.
Luca's Warlock Buffs
1 InstallsWeak Aura for Destro warlocks that tracks 2 piece T4 proc, Quag's Eye proc (including Internal CD timer), Icon, Flamecap, and Destro Pot all in one WA bar
Ista's 9.1 warlock helper
0 InstallsSpec reminder for warlocks in 9.1. You won't be forgetting anymore!
Pet Pwr
0 InstallsGives you a HUD of pet Power.
Painsmith Tyrant Target
1 InstallsPainsmith Tyrant Target
Missing 20% Swim Speed (PVP Clickable)
1 InstallsWiP- Experimental Clickable Icon when Missing Unending Breath Triggers when in battlegrounds. Does it work, yes. Should this be a thing? no. Does it look cool, yes. Forget to breathe? never again! Find out who's...
Buff Food Warlock
0 InstallsZeigt die notwendigen Buff Foods für den Warlock an.
[Bane of Fragility] (TimeLeft) #ImpUi
0 InstallsAs title states, (Medium Icon) Shows time remaining on affected main target. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You might find this Shadowburn WA handy, to use in tandem with this Bane of Fragility WA - This WA is...
Shapingus' Acrid Catalyst Injector
0 InstallsCrit (Brutality) (icon) Mastery (Malice) (icon) Haste (Fervor) (icon) All (Cycle) (icon) Crit/Red (text) Mastery/Blue (text) Haste/Green (text) 3/3 (text) - Stack counts are above the three core 5-stack auras and will activate once in...
Backlash Warning
0 Installsto remind shadowbolt cast when backlash buff is on character
Missing Healthstone
0 InstallsFlashes a visual warning when you don't have a healthstone equipped. Doesn't display if you are in combat, on taxi, or if you don't have a soul shard in your bags. Only works with the...
Azza's Warlock Pack
0 InstallsWorks for Demonology only atm This is Afenar's Ui except I cut off everything that was unecessary to me and added "Felstorm" tool made by Jacobwago that is damn useful. This is mainly for PvE...
Player Target Unit Frames - Erogma
0 InstallsVery eyecatching health percentage for both player and target. Also change colour from green->yellow->red.
Prydaz Progress Bar
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 3 auras: PrydazAbsorbBar (aurabar) PrydazAbsorbText (text) PrydazRefresh (aurabar) A simple progess bar that shows the absorb amount remaining on the Prydaz buff. Includes a refresh timer (remixed from a WA...
0 InstallsA Small Weak Aura to Track Resources and Health Trinkets And Racial's. Most of the custom Lua i havent made so all credit go to there original owners.
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 6 auras Shows when your Pantheon trinket procs, plays a sound and announces in /say. Follow my twitch!
Macrokiingz - Class: Buffs
1 InstallsBuff Group for all clases and legendary effect. -Spesific Classes- - Warrior Buff: - Paladin Buff: -DK: - Shaman: - Hunter: - DH: - Rogue: - Monk:
Golluméo - Warlock Set
0 InstallsMy own Warlock group set of Weak Auras. Affliction is yet to be made.
Warlock Preparation
0 InstallsShows your warlock's preparedness and related cooldowns. This includes timers for demon armor, soulstone and pet sacrifice (if applicable, else shows pet summoned). Also shows healthstone. Soulstone appearance differs based on whether your SS is...
Pamysia Lock Procs
0 InstallsIn Order for it to properly work, you should disable the Blizzard Spell Alert Slider to 0, otherwise there will be two alerts, which is obviously not ideal.