World of Warcraft
13,248 Mods
Demonic sacrifice / Fel Armor reminder (robust)
0 Installsprominently displays the fel armor or Demonic Sacrifice icon over your character when you are in an instance or raid and do not have it active. also displays when either have less that 30s duration...
0 Installs依附默认个人资源的术士盟约技能cd监视
0 Installs依附默认个人资源的术士控制技能cd监视
Wad Reminders (Abilities) || Seperate
0 InstallsThis is not an all in one warlock suite. Just a large number of ability CDs that most warlocks can make use out of. If you do not have Perception or you want to swap...
Warlock Buffs (Destruction)
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 4 auras: Elemental Focus 2 (icon) Summon Doomguard (icon) Elemental Fury 2 (icon) Power of Maelstrom 2 (icon)
Agonizing Corruption - Warlock AIO
0 InstallsWarlock HUD Very early testing period, will continue to work on it.
Subesz' Warlock: CDs
0 InstallsAffliction warlock cooldowns, contains a Banish reminder aswell. Changelog: - Fixed pet CDs not showing up for now. This is part of my Warlock collection, you should use it together with the other WAs.
0 Installs original here
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 9 auras: Destin`funeste (icon) Destin`funeste`ABS (icon) Traque (icon) Traque CD (icon) Garde (icon) Garde CD (icon) Ombreflamme (icon) Ombreflamme CD (icon) Ombreflamme (aurabar)
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 15 auras: SoulShard_1 (aurabar) SoulShard_2 (aurabar) SoulShard_3 (aurabar) SoulShard_4 (aurabar) SoulShard_5 (aurabar) Immolate_Active (icon) Immolate_NotActive (icon) Conflagrate (icon) Conflagrate_2Stacks (icon) Conflagrate_0Stacks (icon) Mana (aurabar) DimensionalRift_3Stacks (icon) DimensionalRift_12Stacks (icon) DimensionalRift_0Stacks (icon)...
Affliction Warlock Raynes WA's
0 InstallsBest expirience with my ElvUI profile
Marreiro Lock CDs
0 InstallsBasically it's the Lock CDs - Created by Luxthos ( but with a few small modification to suit my needs - All credits go to him. I just added a few spells that I wanted...
Destruction Warlock
0 InstallsContains main buffs & cds
0 Installsautocloning infernal duration icon
Shadowbolt Value
0 InstallsShows the value of your current Shadowbolt damage, calculating based on Spell power/ Hit/Crit ratings and if you have Touch of Shadows up or not, so you'd know if you're on correct gear/buffs
Taraih - Warlock Affli Offensive Buffs (part of complete SL ElvUI UI)
0 InstallsPart of the complete SL ElvUI UI for Warlock. from Preview of both "SL ElvUI XXX" (coherent with the WAs posted here on and "SL WA XXX" (WAs can be found in the...
Affli DoTs 2/2
0 InstallsTracks DoTs for Focus Target - Look at Collection for Main Target
Warlock Procs [Backlash/Quagmirran's Eye/T4 Voidheart - Flameshadow]
0 InstallsShows a icon and display the duration of important warlock procs
COR missing
0 InstallsWeakaura designed to show an icon and play a sound when curse of recklessness expires or is removed from certain bosses in Naxx: Loatheb, Patchwerk, 4 Horsemen, Sapphiron, KT
Mage/lock raid Consumes
0 InstallsUpdate of Mage raid consumables by exooooo to be updated for casters as well.