World of Warcraft
13,245 Mods
0 Installs可以随着切换盟约而显示,并且能够直接点击使用,省掉技能栏里面的且换盟约宏
Custom Netherwalk Sound - You Can't Kill Me!
0 InstallsDownload CustomSounds.rar from Google Drive. Extract it into your World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns file. If you want to use it on other immunity abilities, pls change the spell ID in the WeakAura>Trigger 1>Exact Spell ID(s).
Legendary Audit
0 InstallsWarns if you don't have a Unity legendary equipped. Set up to warn if you don't have a specific legendary equipped for a specific class+spec. For example, I have it set up to warn if...
Universal Aura Bar
0 InstallsAuras for many classes and trinkets. If you need some added, let me know and I'll update the aura.
Detect Invis Reminder
0 InstallsShows icons on main tanks and text triggered by Felmyst dying
0 InstallsSausage reminder for the Fyre Festival
Moodles' Destruction Warlock
0 InstallsLich King Destruction Warlock. Recommended to also install Core and Class Core strings. Class spec/role strings are generally rotation class abilities that apply to a specific class spec/role. Indicates the recommended rotation ability to use...
[Warlock] (Affliction) DPSWeakauras 2
0 Installsuse over my dps elvui profile SummonDarkglare (icon) SummonDarkglareActive (icon) Haunt (icon) Shadowfury (icon) Singe Magic (icon) SpellLock (icon) Seduction (icon) Shadow Bulwark (icon) Deathbolt (icon) DarkSoul:Misery (icon) DarkSoul:MiseryActive (icon) PhantomSingularity (icon) DemonicGateway (icon) DemonicCircle...
ZAffliction: Static Bars
0 InstallsWorks best in combination with the Dynamic Bars. Soul Shards are displayed with DoomShards. View the full ZAffliction collection here: May require ElvUI + AddonSkins but I'm not 100% sure. Mana Bar (aurabar) Tormented...
Warlock Resources
0 InstallsPatch 8.1 - Created by Luxthos
Destruction SL_Bar
0 InstallsMain WA:
Ilyona General Warlock Module (Use with Elvui Setup)
0 InstallsIcons detailing various Warlock things: Pet Alive indicator Soulstone Active in group Color warnings on Soulshard bar indicating 4 and 5 shard warning 33% Mana Visual Warning.
0 InstallsWIP of my own personal weak aura setup AgonyBar (aurabar) CorruptionBar (aurabar) SLBar (aurabar) TormentedSouls (icon) Deadwind Harvest (icon) 4P UP (icon) WOC (icon) SH (icon) TormentedSoulsDown (icon) HarvesterDown (icon) 4PDOWN (icon) WOCDOWN (icon)
Affliction Buffs/CDs
0 Installs4/2/18 -added Berserking (Troll Racial), Prolonged Power, Signaling Beacon and Healthstones -My Death's Embrace broke so m using noremac13's -rearranged some of the layout
Track: Soul_Shards
0 InstallsFor those with Codex of Xerrath (Green Fire), toggle the red shard auras off by going to the load tab and choosing never for each. For those without, go to the red shard aura and,...
Destro Damage Modifiers
0 InstallsAll you need to do is edit the colors and add in the tracked buffs.
Soul Shard Bar
0 InstallsThe bravest pigmy once fought and fell and danced to their demise.
Demonology - ol extras
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 3 auras: ol Doomguard-Infernal UP (aurabar) ol Grimoire UP (aurabar) ol Darkglare UP (aurabar)
Absorb Counter
0 InstallsThis is a text type aura.
0 InstallsThis is a collection of 9 auras: Command (icon) GoServ UP (icon) Doom Missing (icon) Command Desat (icon) GoServ Desat (icon) Mana (aurabar) Call Dreadstalkers (icon) Call Dreadstalkers CD (icon) Demonic Calling (icon)