World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Sunder Armor Tracker
10 InstallsA Sunder Armor tracker for WOTLK. It'll tell you how many stacks as well as who was the last person to cast it. If combined with OmniCC, it'll show the remaining time.
도적 독 트래커(Poison tracker)
1 Installs단순 독 유무 알림 무기에 독이 없을때 화면에 무기 아이콘 뜸
Raid mode warning
12 InstallsChecks if you're in raid mode while in a dungeon to prevent not completing heroday quests (:
Libram of Obstruction Buff (Prot Paladin Valor Libram)
7 InstallsA simple group weakaura that I made for my Prot Paladin alt. Consisting of an icon and bar timer for Libram of Obstruction Judgement buff (Prot Valor Libram). Enjoy! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ -Libram of Obstruction (Icon) buff...
Huntarrrrr Survival Hunter WOTLK Trap Weave | NoPetWarning | Rotation Helper | BF/RS/EngiGlove
4 InstallsMade this to help track my more important CDs and Aspects. Leave Comments for suggestions and I'll do my best to stay on top of it
Raid Buffs and Consumes - german client
0 InstallsDie Aura einfach nur für den deutschen client angepasst
MD Tracker (Icons) - PrePatch Fork from Staedt's
10 InstallsUpdated Misdirection icon tracker for Wrath, a fork from Staedt's work:
Rhytm Priest Wotlk Ui
0 InstallsMost of designs created for SP. Still in working. Actions bars not inclueded. Its Bartender addon with Masque (Another addon) with hex skin. For downloading files: DONT FORGET TO READ "PUT THAT FILES.TXT"
Rage's casts on me (Nameplates)
0 InstallsA weak aura that tracks casts being casted on you when enemy nameplates are enabled.
Instance and Badge Tracker (RU)
2 InstallsTranslation of this All credit to
Quels instances héroiques suis-je tag? !Heroics
2 InstallsTraduction FR de
Classic Schamane - Rota WOTLK
3 InstallsEin Weakauro, die dabei hilft, die Rota einzuhalten.
Heroics Tracker
1 InstallsTracked your saved heroics in WotLK
Instance locks / Заблокированные героики возле списка ПП / WotLK
2 InstallsПоказывает заблокированные подземелия героического режима сложности рядом с поиском подземелий
Смена спека + кнопка спека
0 InstallsИконки можно выбрать свои в "отображение" - "резервная иконка". При клике по иконке меняет спек на другой.
1 InstallsA whacky list of available heroic dungeons. It's anchored to the raid button frame (ion the friends tab. Default binding: O), because viewing it fires the UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO event that updates/triggers the aura. You can enable...
Death Plague tick Sound (DP)
2 InstallsEvery time Devouring Plague Tick, a sound will be played !
日月蚀监控 by Nestor
1 Installs鸟德日月蚀触发监控 由于鸟德的日月蚀机制比较简单,一个buff15秒,30秒cd,2个不能同时触发 所以dps直接采用单技能持续输出打出buff换技能,直到另一个buff触发即可 所以并没有加入buff cd的计时 功能清单 日月蚀buff触发图标监控 图标出现小时动效 buff倒计时 全职业wa监控定制,欢迎联系: [email protected]
恶魔术熔火之心效果监测动效 by Nestor
1 Installs恶魔术士熔火之心触发效果监控 功能清单: 底部材质倒计时,包含心跳动效 顶部层数显示,每一层熔火之心点亮一颗火球 buff时间结束或者层数用完效果消失 全职业wa定制,有需要欢迎联系: [email protected]
Open Heroics Tracker
0 InstallsShows what heroics your group is able to do! Needs everyone in the group to have the weakaura installed, but will show all of the available heroics that your team is able to do.