World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Merfin: T8 - Raid Auras (WotLK Classic)
381 InstallsMerfin: T8 - Raid Auras Auras group contains the most significant stuff that you wanna track divided by few meaningful groups: - Ulduar: Flame Leviathan - Ulduar: Circled Textures - Ulduar: Dynamic Icons - Ulduar:...
Rumsey - Dude, Where's My Portal?
2.4k InstallsThe WA will take over your world map and overlay the portal numbers. Use custom options to set your portal number and if your raid uses different portal numbers you can shift the numbers with...
Barney Raid Kit - Ulduar
618 Installs适配大部分语言客户端,但大多数提示文字仍为简体中文。 Compatible with clients for most languages, but most notifications are in Simplified Chinese. Code reference: Fojji - Time to Kill Shiifty's Collapsing Stars Pack
Merfin: Ulduar - Raid Auras
774 InstallsThe auras pack contains the most significant stuff for Ulduar. - For efficiency reasons all auras are loaded strictly when they're needed. They are sticked to certain Encounter and to Zone IDs. - Auras use...
Yogg-Saron - Malady Range Warning
1.4k InstallsRange warning for Malady of the Mind on Yogg-Saron Optional sound warnings and tracking current target as well as amount of times debuff has jumped
Dhars Yogg Portal Locations
948 Installs---READ--- Once imported, move the group over your minimap until it's centered. Loads during Yogg Saron encounter. If your raid has different portal locations, you can adjust it inside the "Portals" group in the WA.
Rumsey - Who Spawned Guardians
891 InstallsShows list of who spawned guardians from clouds on yogg and a count of how many they spawned
Shadow Beacon Taunters' Nameplate Hider and Marker
596 InstallsFinished the WA I wish we had for our Yogg 0 kill. If a raid target icon is specified this aura will hide all other nameplates during Shadow Beacon after a 100ms delay so it...
Yogg - Malady Proximity Warning
373 InstallsStand-alone Malady proximity warning Plays an audible warning and shows an overt icon if anyone afflicted by Malady of the Mind is within 10 yards (i.e., warning you to get away from them!) Also shows...
【凉风版】团本BOSS战玩家动态位置地图- WLK
0 Installs使用前必看: 安装后,不要动WA内的任何东西,直接关闭使用就好,进入对应区域会自动加载。 可以修改的只有: 1、“【凉风版】团本BOSS战玩家动态位置地图- WLK】”的【组设置】的【位置】的【X偏移】和【Y偏移】,调整地图位置。 2、“【凉风版】团本BOSS战玩家动态位置地图- WLK】”的【组设置】的【组缩放】,用于调整地图的大小。 功能说明: - 同步显示BOSS战区域团队内玩家的动态位置信息。 - 每个BOSS都有8个标记图标,可以鼠标左键按住进行拖动,标记图标位置每个BOSS独立存储,重新登录 游戏仍然有效。 -【发布】功能:地图右上角,点击发布推送全团标记位,对应安装该WA的玩家自动更新标记图标位置信息。只有本团团长和助理拥有【发布】功能权限。 包括BOSS有: - 奥杜尔:烈焰巨兽、钢铁议会、观星者、灭火、将军、尤格萨隆 - 十字军的试炼:诺森德猛兽、加拉克苏斯大王、阵营冠军、瓦格里双子、阿努巴拉克 - 冰冠堡垒:玛洛加尔领主、亡语者女士、萨鲁法尔、教授、鲜血王子议会、鲜血女王兰纳瑟尔、踏梦者瓦莉瑟瑞娅、辛达苟萨、巫妖王 注意: 安装WA后,对应副本地图内小区域切换会出现地图“一闪”的情况是正常现象。 由【亚服-阿拉希盆地-凉风】制作
Yogg - Portal Locations for freak
323 InstallsPortal #10 location at the south - fork of Tem's portals
Yogg Shadow Beacon Auto Marker
329 InstallsUpdate: This WA should no longer be needed because the recent versions of DBM should have the auto-marking working properly (consistently used raid markers for each wave of adds). Only one raid assist should run...
Yogg - Paladin Judge helper
228 InstallsNo longer updating this. Using: Shows judgement CD of other holy paladins after they judge tentacle. (To reset diminish power debuff).
Sara's Fervor / Anger / Blessing - Run
202 InstallsPlays Air Horn when you get any of Sara's debuffs, to signal for you to run away from the guardians so you don't get clapped when they explode on death.
Yogg Cloud Fail
189 InstallsNo longer updating this. Using: Icon for seeing when people fail Ominous Cloud and spawn extra guardians. (Shows up even when done on purpose of course).
Yogg EF Portal Locations
162 InstallsPortal numbers aligned over minimap as per EF raid assignments. Note - will likely need to move weak aura on to screen and centre on mimimap when first importing, depending on screen resolution and render...
Purrs Ulduar Additions
107 InstallsA few additional WA's made to compliment the use of another full T8 raiding pack. Currently included: - Raid - Drums of Speed unitframe glow (only loads for Drummers) - Raid - Aspect of the...
T8 Raid Ulduar Holypalaswe
1.1k InstallsCollection of weakauras I use, heavily edited to match my UI. Used together with some DBM Timers, check images for complete list. Tems Cope Pixol
Shadow Beacon Glowing Nameplate
152 InstallsMakes nameplates glow for Immortal Guardians that get buffed with Shadow Beacon on P4 of Yogg-Saron.
Rumsey尤格萨隆传送门汉化版 by 巴尼
90 Installs原作者Rumsey|Curse 副本结束后需要/reload重载界面以恢复世界地图功能。 汉化版调整: 校准了地图位置。 移动到屏幕中央。 修改为仅在传送门出现前20秒-出现后4秒显示。