World of Warcraft
13,232 Mods
Sepulcher of the First Ones
46.9k InstallsA few bosses were not open for PTR testing or were drastically changed. Therefore ideally update before every raid. Co-Tank Auras: Other WA that might be relevant: Regarding Custom sounds (optional, highly recommended)...
Sepulcher of the First Ones Co-Tank Auras
11.2k InstallsDefault Taunt sound requires Shows debuffs applied to your Co-Tank without having to put him in focus or anything. Check out Custom Options tab. Make sure your master volume slider in wow's sound options...
Sepulcher BigWigs / DBM Timers
4.1k InstallsBigWigs / DBM based weakauras that complements and is aimed towards not being caught offguard by certain mechanics. It shows the count (how often the mechanic happened), corrensponding icon and timer. Do note that...
T29: 03 Artificer Xy'mox N/H/Mythic Pack
4.6k InstallsRelease Version - Week 1 Ready! The % anchored to the bosses nameplate will hit 0% at the bosses phase %. Raid Frame Highlights Focus Heal | >=2 Stacks Heavy DoT Trapped | CC'd in...
3. SFO - 6_Xy'mox - Genesis Rings Tracker
1.4k InstallsSimilar to Dausegne's Halos, this WA will track timer for Genesis Rings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Similar a los Halos de Dausegne, este WA muestra los tiempos para los Genesis Rings.
03 Xymok - Bait Traps
1.5k InstallsSimply reminds you that traps will be coming out soon.
831 InstallsMy own Boss Progress Bars for the new raid, Sepulcher of the First Ones. It's basically a package which takes certain BW timers/messages or raid/player debuffs and displays abilities in a bar with an easier...
T28. 3. Traps
1.1k InstallsProvides a bar a few seconds before traps are dropped on the Xy'mox encounter in Sepulcher.
Shadowlands MRT Interruptorder
741 InstallsExamples for some Bosses Boss Example Assignment Pantheon int-181549-364240-5: |cffc31d39Roithi1|r, |cff006fdcRoithi2|r, |cff3ec6eaRoithi3|r, |cff00fe97Roithi4|r, |cffa22fc8Roithi5|r int-181546-364241-5: |cffc31d39Roithi1|r, |cff006fdcRoithi2|r, |cff3ec6eaRoithi3|r, |cff00fe97Roithi4|r, |cffa22fc8Roithi5|r Pantheon, with backup kicks assigned: int-181549-364240-5: [|cffc31d39Roithi1|r, |cff006fdcRoithi2|r] [|cff3ec6eaRoithi3|r, |cff00fe97Roithi4|r] [|cffa22fc8Roithi5|r, |cfffe7b09Roithi6|r] [|cfffefefeRoithi7|r, |cffc59a6cRoithi8|r] [|cfffefefeRoithi9|r,...
Potion Alert
542 InstallsHave trouble remembering to pre-pot and/or totally forget your second pot? This WA will help you with that… Featuring: *This will display a spinning flask when a pull timer has been issued and when the...
Xy-Mox Patterns (where to go) Mythic by Rätta
462 InstallsOut / In describes where to go Out = Ring spawns middle and moves outwards. Raid runs to outside portal In = Ring spawns outside and moves inwards. Raid runs to inside portal Works based...
Sépulcre des Fondateurs - Raid de Shadowlands [FR]
476 InstallsPack de 179 auras sur les 11 nouveaux boss du sépulcre des Fondateurs sur le raid principal de la mise à jour 9.2 de Shadowlands qui fonctionne sur tous les clients du jeu avec des...
Cache of Acquired Treasures
2.5k InstallsSimple icon with timer to show which weapon is current available to be used. If this weakaura does not correctly resetting on pull for you, I recommend using a modified version by Hotbees: (The...
Xy-Mox Patterns (where to go on heroic and normal)
339 InstallsDisplays the correct pattern of which portal to take based on the boss's health. Only works on Heroic and Normal difficulty.
Sepu 03 N/H/Mythic Pack - Artificer Xy'mox
260 InstallsREQUIRES WA 4.0.1 or greater Made for Green team for Artificer Xy'mox Mythic ready version Mythic Telepromopt based on the liquid portal/tp set up adjust names for your tanks (Domi = dh) (Tama = Monk)...
.T29 Interrupt
345 InstallsMarks: Xy'mox: Star Orange Purple Green Pantheon: Blue Moon Anduin: Skull Cross Blue Moon Green (Check BigWigs) Marker: Thx @ Omnicide TN
04.Xymox - Divided - Ascu
227 InstallsThis pack includes everything needed for Xymox progression : - Scripted movement for all wormholes, teleports and tankbombs.(see screenshot for marks) - Interrupt weakaura that triggers off of "startLine and endLine" (see screenshot) - Spread...
.03 Xymox Bait Traps BW/DBM (ger/eng)
250 InstallsRemind 5sec before Traps
Nexus Sx Sepulcher of the First Ones
219 InstallsWA Pack created by KirbyAu for Nexus Sx - Tichondrius You can check out our stream at Includes WA's for all 11 bosses This will be updated as progress through Sepulcher of thee First...
Raid - SOFO Xymox text
205 InstallsBased on this video: Change names/marks to work for your guild.